🐠Is your bedroom ceiling bored?🌸

Start from the beginning

His fingered hovered over the button for a second before he picked up, the phone making a noise. Then he heard dreams raspy voice


He sounded like he just had woken up

"Hello Clay" he could hear in his own voice how tired he was. "What are you up to".

"Nothing really, just woke up" (okay I know that's not how the timezones work but use ur imagination pleaeeeee)

It brought a smile to George's face just hearing his voice. It was those kinds of things that Dream did to him. He could make him smile at the simplest things and make him feel fuzzy inside with no effort, it was irritating, but nice.

"So what's keeping you up so late?" Dream continues.

"i dont know, just thoughts i guess" he swallowed feeling a lump form in his throat. he wasn't lying though, but of course he couldn't share details with Dream.

"just, thoughts? oh come on, you know you can tell me anything" Dreams voice was deep and raspy speaking the words gently.

George bit down on his lower lip becoming more anxious by the second. "yeah, i- i guess so.." he silently aswered.

"so you're not gonna tell me? not even a hint?"

it appaers that Dream took Georges silence as him just being tired, rather than that he was extremly nervous, heart beating rappidly as he tried to think of a way out of this situation.


"hey you don't need to say anything if you don't want to, i was just joking, I'm sorry" okay so he noticed.

"yea i, i'm just tired" he mumbeled. "can you just talk? or something? peoples voices sometimes helps me fall asleep" he knew he didnt have to explain himself, Dream knew most things about him.

Well except for one thing, but that's not the point.

"yea, okay" Dream replied. George put his phone on speaker, and but it down on the pillow beside him. and then Dream started talking. explaining what he was gonna do today, and after a little while he came up on the subject of his newest video that he was in the editing process of. George would mumble simple "mhm"'s to show that he was listening. but after a litte while he felt himself slowly slippng away dreams voice tuning out.

Dream seemed to notice George's lack of response, and the shift in his breathing. and he started talking slower and quieter, as to not wake him up again.

right before the wave of sleep overtook him he mumbeled something, something that he deffinently wouldn't have said if he was fully awake, something that he would maybe regrett when he woke up, if he even remembered.



"i love you"

and then he was asleep.


Dream POV:

after George had fallen asleep he waited a bit before he pressed the "end call" button. he grinned to himself, opened the message app and typing out a response to the sleeping brunette.


i love you too<3
delivered 9:34 am

fuckin finally. would you believe me if i said it took a whole month to write this shit? i was going to go with a kind of 21 questions type trope but after working on it for a week i decided to drop it.




uhm please comment suggestions(either here or on the info chapter)

if you wanna do a trauma dump or smth then please do ------>


Dnf/Karlnap(ity) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now