Chapter 7: Alpha, Kim Namjoon.

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It was cold.

The bite of winter was getting stronger, but Jungkook knew they couldn't stop until they reached their destination, if they ever did. Jungkook felt his limbs going numb as he forced them through the thick snow under his feet. He adjusted Jimin every so often, he felt the tickle of Jimin's breath since his face was buried deep into his neck, the smaller male was clinging to him for dear life. At least the closeness of their bodies offered some warmth. It would be easier if Jungkook could freely transform, but that ability had been bred out of him. Humans didn't want their kind to have control over something as dangerous as that. A wolf that could transform at will was a serious threat to them. From what Jungkook gathered, he'd only transformed twice so far and both times had happened in response to an outside stimulus, but the frigid cold didn't seem to be enough to provoke his wolf. Jungkook lifted his head, he could see the tall silhouette of the mountain ahead of them. Were they close? It was hard to tell, to pick up the scent of other wolves in the snow, another perk of being human bred, they dulled their senses as well. Sometimes Jungkook didn't feel like a wolf, but just some human made tool with no control of his body or ties to his ancestors.

"Are we almost there?" Jimin's soft voice spoke up and took Jungkook from his thoughts as he turned his head to the side, meeting Jimin's gaze. Their faces close enough for the tips of their noses to brush and their breath to touch each other's lips. Jungkook was a bit awe struck at first at Jimin's beauty even at a time like this. "Jungkook?" Jungkook's eyes widened before he snapped out of his daze and he quickly turned his gaze forward.

"I don't know...Tae couldn't exactly give me clear dir-" Jungkook was cut off when something, a shadow, darted across his field of view in the cover of snowfall. Jimin blinked and looked at the other with confusion.


"Shh.." Jungkook whispered as he stood still, more shadows darted across his field of view, he could tell they were running circles around them. More than likely they were surrounded. He careful put Jimin down, but pulled the other close but kept him behind his larger body. Jimin started to notice the shadows running about on all fours and he clung to Jungkook's arm as his heart started to race. They had no way of knowing if these wolves were friend or foe, but they would be screwed if they were the latter. Jimin swallowed thickly as he buried his face into Jungkook's back slightly.


"I know...just stay close to me..."

Jungkook whispered as he noticed them getting closer, they stopped darting around and had formed a circle around them. Jungkook gritted his teeth as a growl erupted from deep within his chest, his eyes lit up with that bright amber, speckles of crimson floating around inside the amber. Some of the wolves seem to take pause at the frightful growl but stopped once they had made it impossible for the two to escape. Jungkook looked around, prepared for anything. He would fight down to his last breath before he let them hurt Jimin. It was then that the wolves in front of them seem to back up and make an opening for someone to come forward. Not a wolf, but a human silhouette approached them. Jungkook continued to bare his teeth which had already formed into canines. When the male emerged, he was tall and quite handsome, almost having an elegant, regal feel to him. He was mostly covered by thick furs with a hood over a majority of his head, but Jungkook could see his face. The bright glow of his amber eyes in response to Jungkook. This man was a true Alpha like himself, but clearly wasn't feral like the others he'd met before. They had a stare down before the man lifted his hands and pulled the hood back to reveal silver colored hair as it whipped about his face and head with the unruly winter winds.

Jimin peeked around Jungkook at the male which caused him to lower his gaze to Jimin, his eyes widened as he stared at Jimin who didn't notice the bright blue glow that had taken over his eyes in response to the other wolves. The male seemed shocked as he took a step forward without realizing it.

"O-Omega?" He gasped out but he was cut off quickly as Jungkook moved in front of Jimin in a more protective manner, growling lowly.

The male paused, looking back to Jungkook before he stepped back and bowed his head in understanding. He didn't want to upset Jungkook further, clearly able to see the onset of feral in his eyes. The male turned, pulling his hood up after tossing some spare furs at the two of them.

"Come with me. My pack's den is up ahead." The unnamed male spoke as Jungkook glanced down at furs before he looked at Jimin. Jimin glanced up at him, at this point it didn't seem like they had much of a choice.

"Quickly, before the storm gets worse." The male called back to them. Jungkook frowned at him since he was looking back at them. Jungkook turned and gently put one of the furs over Jimin first, making sure he was bundled up before he put the other around himself.

Grabbing Jimin's hand, he followed behind this unknown male. It didn't take them long to reach a cave that was buried deep in the base of the mountain. Several wolves ran inside ahead of them and once they reached deeper inside, it was like a whole other world opened up. There were small wooden cabins and tents all over, fires and racks with meat and furs and some wolves running about and others in their human forms. Everyone glanced at the newcomers curiously, but bowed in respect to the silver haired male who had removed his hood again. Jimin looked around in awe. They were in a real wolf's den? Jungkook was a bit taken back himself as he took their surroundings in. The male lead them to the largest of the wood cabins and went up the few steps before he pulled the cloth back and stepped aside.

"Please, inside." He spoke as Jungkook was still weary of him but he lead Jimin inside and then stepped to the side, pulling him close as the male followed them in.

He walked towards the table, which was close to a fire pit where it seemed some kind of stew was cooking, Jimin couldn't quiet the growl that escaped his stomach and the male gave him a look, but it softened from his expression when they first met.

"The two of you must have been out there for some time, please, feel free to relax and get some fo-"

"Who are you? Where are we?" Jungkook cut him off, still on guard it seemed and Jimin glanced up at him before he looked at the silver haired male.

He slipped his fur cloak off to reveal a simple white cotton shirt and black pants to match as he sighed softly.

"My apologies, I should have given a proper introduction before but with the storm I just wanted to get us all back safely." He said as he turned and walked towards them, Jungkook taking another protective stance as the male's boots creaked on the wooden floor. He stopped in front of Jungkook, only being slightly taller than him as he stared down at Jungkook. He then held up his hand as he tilted his head and offered a welcoming smile that flashed a set of dimples. "I am Alpha Kim Namjoon and this is the den of the Kim pack...we are the seekers of the Promise Land." Namjoon spoke as Jungkook's eyes widened, recalling his conversation with Taehyung before he looked at the other's hand, a bit weary.

Then without much warning a smaller one took Namjoon's and it surprised both of the Alphas as they looked at Jimin as he looked relieved and smiled up at the other.

"My name is Park Jimin and this is Jeon Jungkook, thank you for saving us..."

Namjoon's shock faded as his eyes lowered and he returned the shake before he nodded and Jungkook glanced between the two of them.

Kim Namjoon. A real Alpha. Was his time up already?

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