Chapter 9: "Warm me up, Alpha.."

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Jungkook felt it.

The strange pull, the strange allure of Jimin's words. He wanted to know, wanted to see what it was that Jimin

was trying to show him. He was scared. Scared of himself. Scared of the monster that was inside of him. The one that haunted his dreams and turned them into nightmares. If Jimin felt that, the turmoil inside of him, he was sure it was causing the other pain and Jungkook hated himself for that. He'd tried so hard to warn Jimin. To tell him that he wasn't the right one for Jimin, but Jimin refused to believe him and now had to suffer in what horrors lurked inside of him. Jungkook slowly walked through the wooded area. His boots crunching under the snow as he looked around. Now wasn't the time for Jimin to be going out alone. They had bounties on their heads.

"Jimin!?" He shouted, but his voice only carried until it disappeared.

Jungkook clicked his tongue in annoyance. Jimin really picked the worst time to put him on a journey of

self-discovery. It was then that he heard the twig snap and his head whipped around, his eyes darted, searching for the source of the noise. It was then that he saw something. Jungkook saw him.

"Jimin." Jungkook froze at the sight of the other. His own brown gaze met a deep ocean blue surrounded by

white fur. There stood Jimin in his wolf form, the passing winter breeze ruffled his long coat as his pointed ears flicked from side to side. Jungkook didn't know Jimin had mastered how to change at will. Jungkook tensed as the large wolf stepped down from the rock he was a top of. Steps silent as he almost disappeared among the snow if not for those beautiful ocean eyes. Jungkook soon found himself standing face to face with Jimin's wolf, gazes locked as his own chest grew tight. His inner wolf was desperate to get out. Jimin lowered his head, his ears falling flat as he licked at Jungkook's hand and Jungkook felt himself melt under the gentle touch. Jungkook raised his hand to touch Jimin, but watched as the other backed away. Hurt crossed Jungkook's face as he lowered his eyes.

"Are you scared of me?" Jungkook asked as the wolf stared at him before it walked around him and brushed

his tail underneath of Jungkook's chin. A crimson-amber glow overtook Jungkook's eyes almost instantly as he turned to look at the retreating wolf's back. His eyes widened as he turned fully.

"Jimin! Wait! I...I don't understand!" Jungkook shouted as the wolf paused, looking back at Jungkook as he

stared at the other for a moment. Jungkook was left confused, "I...I don't get what you want from me!" Jungkook shouted in frustration. Jimin lowered his eyes before he turned his head forward and took off. Jungkook's eyes widened in alarm. "JIMIN! HEY! WAIT!" He shouted as he tried to take off after Jimin, but the thick snow made it difficult. He found himself stumbling and half falling, but as he looked up, Jimin was getting further and further away from him. He couldn't lose Jimin.

Jungkook let out a growl of frustration, falling on all fours in the snow as he glared down at his hands. He

panted lightly. Jungkook felt like he was going out of his mind. What was he suppose to do?! If he let his wolf in, his last ounce of control would be gone. He would become a monster. But if he didn't do something, he would lose Jimin. That was worse than losing himself. Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he curled his hands into tight fists in the snow before he looked up. Moving to stand to his feet as he started to take his clothes off, leaving them all behind in the snow as he took off running. His naked form whipping through the woods after Jimin as he felt himself starting to let go. The change coming over him, his grunts became growls. Skin split and fur slipped out. Nails became claws. Muscles bulged and the beast inside took over with ease. Soon a pair of human legs were replaced with four powerful, black fur coated ones as the massive black wolf ran through the woods. Kicking up snow as he whipped through the trees, jumping over some brush he landed in a clearing and right in front of the waiting Jimin. Panting harshly as his bi-colored eyes met Jimin's blue ones. Jungkook growled lowly as the two of them circled one another. It was strange, but Jungkook was still himself. Still in control. He was so sure that if he gave in, he would disappear, but he was still here. All because of Jimin.

The two of them paused in their circling to stare each other down before they both lunged at one another

and within minutes, two human bodies were tangled in one another, falling onto the snow below. Lips locked and skin heated. Jungkook understood it now. As long as he continued to allow his self-loathing and doubt to control him, he couldn't have Jimin, but once he accepted himself. There Jimin was, waiting for him. Namjoon peeked over the bush as he saw the two and he offered a slight smile. Turning to stop the others, giving his cheek a scratch as he chuckled.

"Let's give them a few-" A moan from Jimin slipped through the air and Namjoon glanced off to the side,

"-hours?" He suggested as the others glanced at one another before smirking and chuckles filled the group as they decided to do a perementer check instead. Jungkook pulled back from the heated kiss, panting.

"Really? In the snow?" Jungkook asked as Jimin gave a playful grin across his swollen, kissed lips.

"Warm me up Alpha." Jimin whispered and Jungkook grinned before their lips met again.

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