You laughed it off, "Don't worry. It was just a one time thing. Plus, I don't know why you two don't like him. He seems nice enough to me." You said with a shrug of your shoulders.

"It's just that he's broken a lot of girls hearts. I don't want the same thing to happen to you".

"Yea he definitely sleeps around!" Sasha giggled, "You should probably go get tested!"

The brunette continued to laugh, amused by her own joke. You smacked her upside the head playfully.

"Oh yea Sasha? What about you and Connie? I don't think we have room for any kids in this dorm."

Sasha blushed, "Actually me and Connie haven't done anything yet. But I do know that Historia got some action last night as well!"

Historia's eyes were firmly fixed on her fingers, as she fidgeted with the zipper of her sweater.

"We didn't do that much, Sasha" the blonde replied, a light blush also dusting her cheeks as she tried to hide a smile.

"Uh huh" you and Sasha both teased in unison.


Your footsteps echoed as you walked down the sidewalk. You had just picked up takeout, and were on your way back to the dorm, where Sasha was waiting hungrily.

The moon was high in the sky, and the light from the street lamps created a long shadow behind you. You were scrolling through Tik Tok as you walked, not paying attention to the path in front of you, because the place was deserted. You passed a building with colored lights and neon sign decorating the windows, and you had just enough time to glance up at the sign that read "The Black Lotus", before the door swung open and slammed right into your face, causing you to fall to the ground.

"OW What the fuck!?!?" you yelled.

"Oh shit, I'm so sorry y/n!"

You rubbed your forehead, which stung from the impact. How the fuck does he know my name?

You tilted your face upwards so that you could identify who had just attacked your face with a door.


You hadn't seen the boy in a week, since you had hooked up on the beach.

Eren knelt down beside you and gently lifted your hand away from your forehead.

"Let me see" he said softly. He examined you forehead for a quick second, and then grabbed your arm to lift you off the ground. "It's not too bad, but you might have a small bruise tomorrow. Sorry about that, I didn't see you".

"Ugh it's fine. Thanks" you said as he helped you stand.

"Here let me get some ice. Common inside".

You followed Eren through the door, and found yourself in the lobby of a high end tattoo parlor. Leather couches were spread out, and more neon signs adorned the walls. In the back, you could see several tattoo stations, and a few people sat in chairs, while an artist inked their skin.

"Do you work here?" you asked Eren with a confused look.

The emerald eyed boy rubbed the back of his neck, and continued to lead you to a private tattoo room.

Just This Once || ErenxreaderxjeanWhere stories live. Discover now