Chapter Nine: What is This Feeling?

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"My pulse is reeling! My face is blushing! What is this feeling?!?" - Wicked, "What is This Feeling"

It has been three years since we were saved. All of us are adults now. We somehow managed to find a useable laptop and got taught by Cathy and Wren the things we would have learned in school. Surprisingly, we all managed to graduate high school by the time we were all 17.

---February, 2027 (most of us are 18 or older by this time )---

It was a cool, crisp evening. A short young woman stood in a nicer outfit, but still looked worn and hardy. About ten feet away, a young man in nicer clothing stood, beaming. Next to a Wren stood an older man. He was the only senior among us, and he was the only human who knew our secret. He held a book. The rest of us gathered around watching. At least the girls, anyway. The boys were preparing a "surprise."

Cathy walked slowly forward towards Wren holding wild lilies bound in a white handkerchief.

The day? February fourteenth, not only Valentine's Day, but Cathy and Wren's wedding day.

The service was beautiful.

"You may now kiss the bride." The man announced, throwing the book behind him. It landed with a nice poof on the dirt.

---That night---

Apparently, the surprise that the boys-Gray, Dan, Nate, and Aiden- had made was a small cabin lightly furnished with some old, refurbished couches, and some hand made chairs.

"Oh boys! You didn't have to!" Cathy had cried upon reaching the site.

I don't know why, but this whole ordeal had made me wonder. 'What if we started a community of people like us?' We were all old enough to legally marry in this part of the world, and we had the old man.

'Could we do it, though?'

I looked up in time to see, in the dim moonlight, five black government helicopters coming towards us.

I screamed.

And that was when the bombs hit.

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