Chapter 46 : A Coronan Affair

Start from the beginning

Not bad, I thought, I don't much like the designs on those cupboard doors; way too over-the-top. But I can always carve my own.

I moved onto the living room then, nodding in appreciation to Freeda as I passed her in the neatly furnished hallway.

However I mentally recoiled at the sight of this room. The kitchen had been sweet, but the colours here abused my eyes; they were so bright and they clashed horribly.

I tried to look passed this first impression and study how the basic room was designed. A vision began to form in my mind of what this room could potentially look like. It wasn't as vivid as the explosion of colour that dressed this room, but it was a vision none-the-less.

Satisfied with this improvement on my part, I climbed the carpeted steps to the bedrooms. The stairs were spiralled at the end of the hall and the banister was metal. I wasn't entirely sure if I liked this design.

The two bedrooms were almost as colourful as the living room and were practically identical to each other, only one had that curved section like the kitchen below it. They were decent sizes and did indeed have a washroom each. Not a lot of space was allocated to these extra rooms, but I could always have an architect make my own washroom slightly bigger and keep the other one as a spare for a guest.

As I descended the spiral staircase once more I was deep in the thought.

Stripped down, the fundamental shape and structure of this cottage was pleasing enough, but I'd have to be prepared for some serious redesigning. I supposed that was what Freeda had counted on; she knew I hated such gaudy, intense furnishings and colours.

"What do you think?" she asked.

"It's nice." I took another look at the metal railing, frowning as I tried to decide what I thought of it. "I really like the kitchen and, once all the colours have been muted a bit, I think the other rooms could be very nice for me."

Freeda smiled, "This place is also quite cheap, so I thought it might be affordable for you seeing as you don't have any employment yet."

I nodded, remembering for the hundredth time that my last wood-carving job would have been enough to buy me a very high class house indeed. The salary they were offering me had been huge! But alas, I'd been willing to give up my dream job, and the overwhelming riches that came with it, in order to make the right choice for Arendelle.

I had realised a few days ago that my willingness to make this decision was one thing that would have made me such a great Queen. I'd come to realise a lot of things like this ever since 'Judgement Day'. It gave me a strange comfort in how I'd left Arendelle without saying goodbye. It made me feel like I was doing the right thing, meaning Agnarr and Arianna would have little reason to fault me. After all, they were the ones who had been so sure I was Queen material in the first place!

"And I am aware its a bit much for your simpler taste, but with your keen eye, I knew you'd be able to see past all that and see the house for its potential." Freeda went on.

"Yes. I can see what this place could become with a little TLC." I replied, taking a second glance at the living room.

"I'm so glad Iduna." I could tell she was, she was practically buzzing now that she'd found a home I approved of, even if it was half-hearted. "I'll send you the documents for this place later this evening!"

"Thank you, Freeda. Your help has really been grand."

A few more minutes of small talk and I was on my way back home.

Erik was sitting on the bench outside the house, sketching something in his sketchbook. He had a real knack for drawing and I sat beside him to see what he was doing this time.

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