Neighborhood walk

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Lia pov

'You're my favorite twin.' Those were small words but probably the best ones I will hear coming from her.

"I am?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled.

"I like your smile." Her whisker dimples when she smiles is probably the most beautiful sight I could see.

"You do? That surprises me, nobody likes my stupid smile." She states.

"It's not stupid and they probably do like it, they just don't tell you." I told her.

"What're you talking about? You have a better smile than me." She said.

"Nah... Do you guys come to the park a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah but I always sit here alone. I know, boring right?"

"No it's not boring at all. Sometimes you need that alone time after seven hours of school." I smiled. "Where do Yeji and Yuna go while you're here?"

"They're always messing around on the playground like they're still in second grade." She laughed. "What do you guys normally do after school?"

"Well we normally get ice cream and drive around blasting music before we go back to my house." I told her.

"Do you guys drive around here and blast Taylor Swift by any chance or Drivers License by Olivia Rodrigo?" She asked.

"Uhh... Yeeeaahh. You've heard us haven't you? If you have, you've most likely heard Chaeryeong sticking her head out the window and screaming the lyrics too." I said embarrassed.

"Yeah, I also heard you guys yelling at her to put her head back into the car." She told me.

"Oh... Yeah she's a pain in the ass." I laughed. "But she's like my little sister... And Nayeon she's like my older sister. She's a goofball but she keeps us all in line when we need it."

"Yeah. Yuna she's like my little sister but she's always eating pizza." She told me. "And Yeji, she's like my older sister too. I couldn't ask for better friends. Especially after Yeji is letting me stay with her."

"Yeah. The best kind of friends are the ones that will do anything for you, unless it's something they feel uncomfortable doing." I told her.

"Guys come on!" We turn to see Yuna standing there.

"Where are we going?" Ryujin asked.

"Nayeon invited all of us over to stay the night! Now C'mon! I'm hungry!" She ran.

"Yuna you're always hungry." Ryujin mumbled. I stood up and extended my hand to help her up, she took it and I felt shivers run up my spine. "What do you guys usually do at Nayeon's?"

"Well she has a pool so we normally swim and walk around her neighborhood laughing at each other while saying hi to the neighbors. I told her as we walk to the car.

"Sounds like you guys always have fun." She said.

"Yeah. But it'd be more fun with more people." I smiled and looked at her.

"Hurry up guys! Yuna's about to die of hunger!" Chaeryeong rushed.

"She literally just ate!" Ryujin yelled.

"Yeah well I'm hungry again! So hurry up slow pokes!" She yelled.

"We're coming!" She shouted, I just laughed and got in the car. We had to stop by everyone's house except me and Chaeryeon's.

"What do you guys wanna do?" Nayeon asked.

"Swim." Chaeryeong yelled. We got dressed and went outside to her pool. Not gonna lie Ryujin looked hot in her swimsuit.

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