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Saturday morning, 8:30 am, my phone started ringing.
I was woken up from a nice dream that I have had in ages by an incoming call.
I lazily opened my eyes to check the time.
'8:30? Oh you got to be kidding me! It's Second Saturday, my day off.', I thought to myself.
Irritated by the continously ringing, I finally picked up my phone, from the Nightstand next to my bed.
The caller ID showed my best friend's name, Aisha.
'You've got to be kidding me!'
I picked up the call.

"Seraaaaaaaaaaa, I've got a really big news to tell you. And I can't wait anymore!", Aisha almost shouted excited on the call.

"Ugh! Good morning to you too", I replied sarcastically.

"You better have good reason to call after weeks and practically ruin my sleep at such an early time", I continued

"Sorry, I didn't see the time. Well as a matter of fact I do have an extremely good reason for spoiling your sleep and I'm sure you would be equally thrilled and shocked hearing it too", she replied.

"Ok you've definitely got my interest piqued", I replied, though still sleepy.

"I'm getting married next month and your my maid of honor!", She squealed on the call.

Hearing that I sat upright on my bed, completely awake and shocked.

"Wait what??? When did that happen? And why the hell are you telling me this a month before????!!", I replied utterly shocked

"Well Ben proposed to be last month. Oh it was so romantic like a fairytale. So anyway, we decided that since the proposal was a fairytale then so should the wedding be and ever since we got busy to decide the venue and everything. And finally selected that a destination wedding would be perfect.", she explained happily.

"Woah! Congratulations Sweetheart. I'm soooo happy for you. Though Ben did take his time to put a ring on it. You both have been dating since 4 years so I was wondering when would he finally do it.", I replied.

"I know right!! I almost had to prompt him a couple of times for him to have the courage to go down on one knee. But it was worth it!", she squealed again

"I bet it was! And destination wedding? That's something great." I said.

"Yeah. So we have booked the Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur!! The same place Priyanka-Nick Jonas got married!!" She squealed happily.

"Wow! I knew that was your dream destination ever since their wedding but I never thought that you would really book the same place. I'm so happy for you!", I relied

" Thank you!! I'm glad you are not angry at me for keeping it under wraps and surprising you like this.", she said

"I am angry but it's just that I'm more happy for you. Afterall it's my best friend's wedding and who would wanna miss an Indian wedding?!", I laughed.

"Gosh! You're just excited for the functions more. Anyways, put in your leave application so that you can get 10 days off. The functions and everything will be for a week but 3 more days for the travel and sightseeing too", She said teasingly.

"The flight tickets are booked for 9th evening of next month and return on 21st morning but we can delay that if u do wish to travel in different states as well", she continued

"Hahah, yes I do wish to have time for sightseeing. Ok, that sounds perfect then. So I'll put in a leave application to my boss right away. But wouldn't I need time to shop for the wedding too? I would need a beautiful Indian Attire " , I replied.

"Oh Baby, Don't worry I've got you covered for everything", she said confidently.

"Wait, are all my functions outfit covered in Maid of Honor benefits??", I inquired

"Yes Darling. I've got the most amazing outfits ready for you, for all of the functions, the main wedding aka Nikah and Catholic wedding. Though for the Bachelorette, you need to carry something sexy. Afterall, Ben does have some really handsome friends who are Doctors as well and can definitely cure any pain you have", she teased me.

"Hahah, Ohhhh I'd so love that.", I replied.

After speaking and laughing for 15-20 minutes more, we kept the call.

I still can't believe my best friend is finally getting married. Plus, I can't wait to experience a destination wedding.
With those happy thought running in my mind, I got out of bed and the rest of the day went in a blur.

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