Family Dinner

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"Ok, mom." Emilia murmurs, eyes moving from the plate to look at her mom who sits straight backed smiling, but not at her, at her new husband. Just the honeymoon phase, she hopes. Her eyes flicking to the side of the door where she sees Alexander watching her with a sea before dawn as she lets out a breath and smiles just a little to reassure the storm that could turn them tumultuous in a moment. 

The dinner isn't silent after that, but she is no longer invited to the conversation as she eats in silence, enjoying the delicious food until her plate is cleaned and begins to wonder how she can get seconds, her stomach still aching with hunger as she looks around to try and find someone to maybe get some or get an idea of where to get some. But when she catches someone's eye, instead of bringing her more they simply take her plate without a second glance, and though she opens her mouth to try and ask for more she just sinks back into her seat, thinking a never mind to herself. She can raid the kitchen tonight for leftovers or popcorn.

Sipping at the glass of water before her she listens silently to the conversation about some big work deal he is supposedly working on, the details seem fuzzy to her as he describes the millions of dollars project off in Italy, some new hotel he is building to spread his internationality. It seemed odd that that was how he decided to spread it since she knew his business has a fairly large base there already, and if he wanted to expand it would be better to spread into Northern Europe or maybe even Asia, not in a place he already practically owns.

But she shakes off the thoughts, she doesn't know enough about business yet, it might be her major, but she is only going to be a junior with no official experience, it doesn't need to be suspicious, she was just making it that way. She chides herself quickly, realizing how ridiculous she sounds even in her head, she just needs to stop overthinking this.

But her mind wanders yet again as someone bursts into the dining room and immediately, Alexander's hand is under his jacket as if he expects a threat in a mansion that's so well guarded already. The man seems frazzled but not enough to need such a reaction as he bends down to whisper in Mr. Delmont's ear who immediately stiffens.

"I am so sorry love, but I need to go to the office, I have a situation to deal with revolving around a deal I've been working on." He interrupts, his voice harsh as he turns to glare at Emilia before standing up and stifly walking out as if to say silently 'This is all your fault'. But how could it be? She hadn't done anything, and the idea she would get in the way of something like that was ridiculous. She huffs silently, folding her arms as she leans back in her seat slightly, looking at her mother who just seems very disappointed at the situation.

Suddenly, an idea pops into her head and she gives her mom a smile, "What's the deal he's been working on?" She asks, suddenly all curious about the business since he is gone.

"Oh, some merger thing with a smaller cruise company, he's going to try and expand his business to the seas and maybe some Caribbean islands, very exciting." She responds dully, waving for someone to take her food away. "If it goes through, we may get some vacation time out there, wouldn't it be fun to see those gorgeous beaches?" She asks, forcing an excited smile that looks like it hurts her mouth.

"Yeah, sounds great, do you know what company it is?" Emilia practically interrogates, leaning forward slightly onto the table, pretending just to be curious.

"Just a small one, I think it's the Colombo Cruises or something. Very exotic and high class type things." Catherine waves her hand dismissing it as she tries to memorize the name to research once she gets back upstairs, her curiosity peaked once more.

"Uhm, Mom, I think I'm going to go upstairs." Her head spinning with this information as she stands from her seat, scooting it back in as her mother simply waves to her, still picking at the food. It seemed she really didn't want her company, only beloved Mr. Delmont's. Happiness truly seems hard to come by in these times, she thinks with a little sigh as she exits the room with Alexander close behind her.

As soon as they are on the stairs she feels his hand take hers, stopping her from walking up any further and turning to face him just a step and a half behind her, their eyes nearly level yet again.

"Emilia, I told you to stop." He murmurs, his eyes pleading with hers.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She swallows, trying to sound as innocent as possible, looking away from his eyes to her hand that still rests on the railing.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," He whispers, taking that half a step so she would have to look up to meet his eyes and she can feel his trained on the top of her head.

"No, I don. ."

"Don't try and play dumb with me, I know you are too smart for that. And I know that you are trying to figure things out." His voice is strong, sturdy, commanding, making her weak in her knees as she tries to protest, to play the dumb blonde that she ought to be.

"I can't stop Alexander, and I think you know that too, I won't stop, not until I figure out the truth." Emilia tries to be brave, she tries so hard to be strong in front of this man, but as he holds her wrist in his gentle hand she knows he can feel her racing pulse that's not just from nerves.

"The truth is a dangerous thing, are you sure you're ready for it?" He asks, and finally she meets his eyes, her own hard as emeralds, she refuses to back down, she refuses to break beneath those stormy waves.


"Then I will protect you, no matter what." And for a moment that storm calms, his eyes soften and flicker with a dim light as he leans close once more. His lips seem to quiver for just a moment, and this time, Emilia doesn't turn away from his kiss.

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