An Error Of Dissociation

Start from the beginning

"You need a shower." he groaned out, attempting to push her off of him.

"Come with me.." she whispered lowly, nuzzling further into him, her thigh rubbing at his mass delicately.

"Are you going to lock me up again if I don't?" he arched an eyebrow looking at her in clear suspicion and also showing her he did not appreciate her tactics against him.

"Hush." she said planting a kiss on his lips firmly to silence him, before raising her body and pulling him by his wrist up and out of the bed. "Let's go."

"As if I have a choice.." he sighed out following her complacently along, a hand rubbing at the back of his neck as he yawned being led to the bathroom.


It was later in the morning, and the Alpha and the Master Beta had seemed to make amends, she had utilized her body to get him to bend to her will. She was showering him with affection which was typical of her to do after they were at a discord, and he was once again blinded by the way she could make him feel and how it reached the very depths of his soul. It was peaceful, and Alex wore a smile across his face as he worked on paperwork for the better part of the morning, his focus distracted by the speaker of his phone breaking the silence in his office.

"Master Beta Alex?" his secretary Jake questioned deeply through the line, a male secretary being insisted upon by the Alpha when he assumed his new role.

"Yes, Jake. What is it?" he said holding a piece of paper up to get a closer look at the figures he was analyzing.

"Master Beta Jacob from Shaded Mountain is on the line for you and would like to discuss a meeting time for today." the male said quickly.

"A meeting time? For today?" Alex said looking over to the phone, a slightly shocked expression on his face as he did not recall this being discussed to him by anyone.

"Yes. Him and his leadership team from Shaded Mountain are within the region and are stating they need a meeting. He is insisting upon it as he said his previous efforts have gone unattended." Jake said, showing that he had already discussed with him the difficulty in scheduling last minute, but was forced to escalate the matter to his superior due to the other leaders persistence.

"Transfer him through.. I'll handle it." Alex said firmly, however he felt a resurgence of anxiety brewing in his chest. They were in the region. They wanted to meet in person.

"Transferring now."

"This is Master Beta Alex." he said as soon as he answered the rings from line one, pulling the handle to his ear, choosing not to hold the call on speaker phone.

"Beta Alex, it is good to finally have a chance to speak with you. I hope all is well with you and your pack." Jacob said coolly over the line.

"And to you and yours. How can I be of service to you Beta Jacob?" he questioned quickly, not wanting to drag this phone call out any longer than necessary.

"I'm glad you asked. I have already relayed to your secretary that I am in need of a meeting with you and the Alpha from Pinecrest, but he seems to be unwilling to assist me in the matter." Jacob said sounding unaffected by the secretaries resistance against his desire.

"Unfortunately, we are not available to meet on such short notice." Alex said with a finality in his tone, as if the conversation would be over.

"Well... Unfortunately, I believe that answer is not sufficient Beta Alex. Alpha Jason, Beta Mark, Beta Cane and myself have all freed ourselves from otherwise pressing matters to meet with you and your Alpha, and since you have been unable to respond to earlier communications, we were unable to coordinate a day or time that would be more appropriate for you and your needs. Since we're within the region, and very busy people ourselves, I must call upon you to shift some things around and meet with us in order to prevent an escalation of the matter at hand." Jacob said in his same even tone, his words depicting a leading presence towards the end that this meeting was to quell the discord between the two packs.

"Due to the previous hostility your Alpha has shown not only myself but my Alpha as well... I hardly believe we would be inclined to bend under the pressure you're trying to place." Alex said back just as coolly, remaining unwilling to accommodate their desires.

"I fear I must inform you that we're not alone, and your refusal would be considered the first act of hostility that provokes a war. We have made arrangements with several other Alpha's to attend as well, and can meet off of territory limits, if needed, but this meeting will need to be held today... Otherwise, the military forces will be mobilized, and we will be forced to meet in a less conducive environment for conversation. In honesty, we wish for this meeting to be peaceful and not have it erupt in violence." Jacob said back with his calm demeanor, his tone dropping faintly to accentuate the gravity of the matter at hand.

Pinecrests master betas heart rate increased as the panic began to  set in. A war was the farthest thing from what he wanted and they were in fact forcing his hand. "What is the purpose of this highly desired meeting?" He said, his voice beginning to sound dry as his pupils began to rapidly dilate and then constrict rhythmically, the color blue deepening and lessening in their colors intensity in a pulsating manner.

"I believe it is my Alphas desire to receive a sense of closure. It appears that your Alpha has decided to no longer partake in their bond, and due to his high status, it is only reasonable to appease his request in needing a final resolve." Jacob said back coolly. "If not provided the opportunity to clarify her callous regard of him, then the next chain of order would mean our parties no longer would be in neutral grounds. I'm sure you're aware of his and our packs reputation."

This fucking bitch. She always did this shit to him. Skulking away when things became too serious and conflict arose.

A heavy sigh erupted from the betas lips as the more dominant personality was forced forward and the other shifted away in submission. "It's fucking whatever." He said with a dismissive hand wave. "We'll meet tonight." He said in a bored tone, as if he could careless, his demeanor completely shifting from the beginning of the conversation. "If you're bringing your people, I need time to call upon ours."

"Is everything alright Beta Alex?" Jacob said questioning the clear difference in his response and finding it intriguing, as did all the other ears listening in from Shaded Mountain.

"You want to come, come then. I don't give a fuck." He said with a shrug, his pupils fluctuating rapidly once more but he quelling it down almost immediately. "How about 8pm? We'll meet in the pack house conference room."

"8pm is agreeable." Jacob said wanting to prod more into his demeanor. "Do you need to discuss this matter with the Alpha?"

"Nope." He said his lips popping out the word in a clear disinterest. "I like to keep it spicy." He said idly in boredom as he began to collect the papers on the desk and organize them finding nothing else to do with his hands at the moment.

"Ah. I think it might be in your best interest to at least inform her, we don't want any unnecessary aggression to occur. As I said, we wish for this to be peaceful." Jacob said back in caution, everyone clearly knowing which Master Beta they were speaking with in the moment.

"I hoping he fucks her up, to be honest." He said with another shrug. "We done?"

"I think for now. I'll provide the list of attendance to your secretary. Thank you for your cooperation Beta Alex." Jacob said smoothly over the line.

"Yup." And then he abruptly hung up.

What are you doing?!

"Oh, shut the fuck up." He sighed out into the air as he rolled his eyes and spoke to himself. "None of us are happy. What's the fucking point?" He said with a shake of his head, his eyes empty of emotion as he began to call upon all available allies for immediate response, his only concern being for the members of the pack, not for himself or that of the Alpha.

Several hours later, when the alpha did eventually find out what he had done, she brutally beat him down in a sadistic manner. Failing to stop herself when her own mate rose to the surface, effectively beating them both for his insubordination and her weakness.

By the time she had become aware, it was already too late to stop what had been done. Her own allies were on the way, and she needed to save face in front of them, as well as, the members of the opposing pack and their allies. She would be forced to attend the meeting, and she was left in a perpetually irate state.

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