- Chapter 12 -

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Loz Feliz high,

Julie's P.O.V

It's Friday, finally. I really miss Brooke, Olive, and the guys. It just feels so empty without them. At least I have Flynn and my boyfriend: Benny. Oh yeah, that happened. There is just so much that I want tell Brooke and Olive. Ethan and Benny were talking about going back in time to see them or something. Like, a portal. I don't know. I've only got like, ten minutes until school is over. Ethan, Benny, and Flynn are coming over after school to talk about the whole portal thing. I'm excited for the boys and Olive and Brooke, but I'm also worried and scared out of my mind for them.Which is why if they go through the portal thing to see them, I have to come with. Whatever, I guess we'll see what happens.....

After school,

The Molina household,

Ethan's P.O.V,

We just got to Julie's house and are sitting in her studio, about to explain the portal to her. Unfortunately, we need Flynn as back up. If you couldn't tell, I don't like her very much. She doesn't like me either though, it's mutual dislike.

"Ok, so tell us about whatever this portal thingy is." Flynn said.

"Well, I have to use magic, but I can probably make a portal to last like, until midnight and take us right back to the present after the time is up." Said Benny, gesturing to his spell book.

"Right, so your going to pull a Cinderella on yourselves? Why don't you just go, tell them what you need to tell them, and leave? I don't see how the whole carriage-turning-back-into-a-pumpkin-after-midnight thing is needed." Said Flynn, rolling her eyes.

"Ok, no need to be so snappy Gus-gus." I say as she glares at me. "Shutting up now."

"Look, your plan sounds decent, all we have to do is get in and get out." Julie says, standing up.

"What do you mean we?" Benny says, standing up and walking over to her. "You aren't going, it's to dangerous for you to."

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm not going Benjamin. I need to see them, they won't trust just you guys- well, Olive, Reggie, and Luke might, but I know for a fact that Alex and Brooke won't." Julie snapped back, annoyed at this point.

"She has a point, plus, she knows them a lot better than we do. Maybe with her there, it can help." I say, seeing to her logic.

"Whatever, so it's settled, Julie's going, and I'm house sitting since Ray's doing some photo shoots in Sacramento and Carlos is at Victoria's. Hurry up! We don't have all weekend, thanks to fairy godmother over there." Flynn says, gesturing to Benny, who rolls his eyes.

This is gonna be interesting.......


The garage,

No one's P.O.V,

Well, now that Lisette's gone, Bobby and Olivia's parents are visiting their grandparents, and Bobby's on a date tonight, Brooke and Olivia can finally talk to the boys about this time travel stuff. Olivia is pacing around the garage, rambling random nothings. While Brooke is in deep thought, trying to understand and process what is going on, while trying to find a good way to explain the butterfly effect to Olivia and the boys. After about five more minutes of contemplating, she calms Olivia down and decides to get the boys.

Stranger Times|| Luke and Reggie x OC and OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum