- Chapter 3 -

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Getting his friends and his sister to do it.

Outside the garage,

Reggie's P.O.V

It's afternoon and I just got back from doing homework at Rory's. Luke just finished talking to Ethan and Benny about who knows what and now he's coming my way. Oh no. "Ok, Reg, I have an idea." "Ok.... Shoot!"

He tells me his plan and that it was what he was talking to Ethan and Benny about, but, " I don't know man, isn't it a little risky?" "Please Reg," He starts and pauses, "You know you want to." He's right I really do want to...... "Ok fine, but if this is a repeat of Caleb, your dead.....Again." And with that we head to the garage to tell the others. This is gonna be good.

In the garage,

Luke's P.O.V

I walk into the garage, I frown a little at Olivia not being there, but cover it up so I can tell Brooke and Alex my plan. "Guys! Stop watching movies, we have news!" "Ok..." Brooke starts, "...that's never good." "C'mon, stop being an Alex, this is serious." I say. "Wait, what about me?" Alex says looking up from his phone. "Nothing!" Brooke, Reggie, and I say at the same time. It's an inside joke. " Whatever.." He starts, "Continue." I tell them my plan and they just look at me blankly.

"Ok, so I got Reggie on board but-" "No way." "Absolutely not." Brooke and Alex say at the same time. "Why?!?" I start to say, "It's fool proof, and we have the perfect people to do it! Ethan and Benny deal with this stuff all the time!"

"No, uh-uh, as your older sister I forbid you to go through with this." Brooke says. "Older by 4 minutes!" I say matter-of-factly. "Fine, then as the smarter twin I forbid you to do it!" She snaps back. "Yeah, I-I, Luke we can't do this." Alex says.

"But why?!?" I ask, "We all want to get back at him! You guys know what went down." After I finish we all sit in silence for a minute, Brooke staring at me because she knows exactly what I meant. It's about our parents before we ran out, but that's a story for another day.

"Fine." She says, "If this is really that important to you, I'm in. How about you Lex?" She asks him. After a moment of thinking, he responds with: "Ok, fine. BUT, if this goes down in flames, I will be the first to say 'I told you so'."

"Yes! You guys are the best! Thank you sooooo much. But, where's Olive?" I ask. "Miss her already Lukie?" Brooke asks sarcastically. I quickly snap back with "Do I have to tell you know who, about you know what Brookie?" I ask back. HA! As long as I know about her liking Reg, I can use it to my extent.

"No!" She says back quickly. I knew it would get her. "Wait, why do you all know something I don't? Tell me." Reggie says, dragging out the E. Crap, Brooke's gonna kill me..... Again. Luckily, Alex saves her with "Reg, just-just stop." He intervenes. Almost on queue, Olive walks in.

"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" She asks obliviously. "Luke, you tell her, Alex, Reg, and I are going to the skate park so Alex can watch Willie and not look like a creep all alone." Brooke says. "Shut up and let's go." Alex snaps back. "Ok, Bye!" Reggie says as they exit. Now to tell Olive...

At the skate park,

Brooke's P.O.V

As we walk to the skate park I feel the cold winter air on my cheeks. It's so refreshing. I'm rethinking my agreement to Luke's idea. While I really want to get back at Bobby, he said time travel. That's really risky. What if it doesn't work? Or worse, what if we get stuck in the past? Or even worse, one of us gets stuck and the rest survive or the opposite?

"There he is! Stay. Here." Alex says getting up to say hi to Willie. "Ok geez," I start, "tell your boyfriend I said hi!" I say as he flips me off while walking away. "Rude." I say under my breath. Reggie just laughs. That cute, adorable laugh that I love so much. Ugh, stupid laughs.

"Sooo, what was Luke talking about Brookie-bear?" He asks curiously. I hate that nickname. He only does it to make me mad. "Shut up! And I'm not telling you" I say firmly.

"You're cute when your mad" He says laughing. My cheeks flush but I pretend not to hear when I ask "What?"I say, trying to act oblivious to the situation. "Nothing." He says quickly as he goes pink.

"Okay, so what do you wanna talk about?" He asks trying to change the subject. I go along with it by saying "Are you sure Luke's plan is foolproof? I mean I don't know about you but I thought it sounded dangerous. I don't want anything to happen to you guys. You know that." I say.

"I know," He says inhaling, "but, I think that he wouldn't try to put us in danger." He finishes. I think for a minute before speaking. "I know, and I want to trust him. I just don't want to make a mistake trusting the wrong people." I say. "I'm not saying that trusting Luke is wrong, but, I don't know Ethan and Benny and they're our age so they can't know everything and I don't just wanna-" I stop with Reggie putting a finger to his mouth signalling me to take a breather.

"Sorry, you were rambling." He says calmly. I nod and stay silent for a second before speaking up, "Thank you for always being there." He looks at me like I'm crazy before saying the best thing I could possibly hear right now.

"C'mon, It's always been us. Brooke and Reggie, Reggie and Brooke, Your My ride or die, My best friend. You know I will always be there for you. I love you." He says. I feel my cheeks heat as I say, "I know, and I love you too." I say pulling him into a hug. It lasts longer than normal though, Not that I'm complaining.

After we break apart, Alex comes over very giddy. "What happened Lex, took a trip to Disney land?" I ask. "Better, Willie asked me out!" He says squealing. "Oh my gosh this is huge! When is it?" I ask jumping with him. "Tonight at 7!" He says. "It's four! We have to get home now!" And with that we leave the park and head to the garage.

In the garage (What happened after everyone left),

Olivia's P.O.V

Luke is in the middle of telling me about his plan and it sounds decent, but, I was owned by Caleb and I don't wanna go down that road again. Sure I was never in the band, but, I was never into music like that. I wanted to be a fashion designer, but, that's a story for a rainy day. I agree with most of Luke's plan and when I heard that even Alex was on board, I had to say yes so I did.

"Sooo, what do you think?" He asks hesitantly, waiting for my response. "I'll do it." is all I say when he runs up to me and wraps me in his arms giving me the warmest hug in the world. "You're the best." is all he says before Alex, Reggie, and Brooke storm into the studio.

"Willie asked me out!" Alex says. I start squealing and jumping with them as we go up to the house and inform Julie and Flynn. We get him ready and send him off. After that, Brooke and I went for a walk talking about Luke's plan and what we think about it. I guess we'll find out what happens.....

A/n Yess ik im sorry it took all day but its super long and I started it after school so bare with me. If you read PLEASE COMMENT I'm super lonely and need feed back. There was a LOT of fluff ik but it was fun to write so I'm gonna keep doing it sometimes. Until Nextime children, I bid thy farewell. * does curtsy*

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