Chapter 13

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-Irethia's P.O.V-

"After you were taken by orcs I went and told my father what had happened. He said that I was the one who had to tell your father, and when I told him.. He became very mad at me. So mad that he wanted to kill me.  One day, after my father died, I was out in the garden. Your father came out of no where and attacked me. A-and I just fought back.. And.." thranduil paused..

"y-you k-killed my father?" i asked with tears in my eyes.

"Iree.. I-I'm so sorry. There was nothing else I could do..other than just let him kill me.  I tried to just calm him down, but he wouldn't stop fighting" he said.

I was crying now.

I got up out of Thranduil's lap.

"Iree.. P-please forgive me" he said with tears in his eyes.

I ran down the stairs and out the door. I just kept running and running. I was not sure where I was going I just needed to be alone, but then I ran into Vanya.

"woah!  Slow down! What's wrong dear?" she asked. "you don't look so good. She put her hand on my forehead."Iree, Your burning up."

I began to get really dizzy until i collapsed into Vanya's arms.


I opened my eyes to see Vanya leaning over me.

"Iree, how to you feel?" she asked.

"N-not so good" I said.

"Have you been very moody lately?" she asked.

"umm.. Kind of. I guess" I said.

"Iree. I think your pregnant" she smiled.

I started crying again.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes" she replied.

"Are you not happy?" she asked.

"O-ofcourse..It's just now is not the best time for this" I said.

"why not?" she asked.

"Thranduil just told me how my father died" I said.

"oh" she frowned.

"did you know?" I asked.

"Yes. But why did he tell you?" she asked.

"because I asked him" I said.

"well are you mad at him?" asked Vanya.

"N-No. I mean he had A good reason to.." I said. "I was just shocked by the fact that he did. I-I'm not mad."

"well, good.  Now go and tell him the news" she said while helping me get up.

I walked to mine and Thranduil's room. He was sitting at his desk holding a letter in his hands.

"T-Thranduil" I said.

He turned around and looked at me "Yes?" he said with tears still in his eyes like he had been crying.

"w-what are you reaing" I asked. "Lord Elrond has called me for a meeting in Rivendell" he said.

"oh.. w-when are you leaving?" I asked.

"I'm not going" he said.

"what?" I asked.

He pulled me onto his lap.

"I can't leave you like this" he said.

I looked away and said "well this isn't going to help any" I said mainly to myself.

"What?" he asked.

"I-I.. I'm" I started

"your what?" he asked.

"I'm pregnant" I said.

He smiled. "That's great!.. So why are you so sad about that?" he asked.

"or are you just still sad about what I told you earlier?"

"I am very happy about this" I said. "are you still mad at me?" he asked. "N-No.. You had a good reason to kill my father.. I-I was just shocked by the fact that you are the one who did.. That's all" I said.

"ok. I'm glad your not mad at me" he said while pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "I love you."

"I love you too"  he said.

Then he kissed my cheek.

"you should go to that meeting with Lord Elrond" I said.

"No.. I need to stay here with you" he said.

"It's ok. I have Vanya and Sellion. I'll be fine" I said.

He sighed.

"ok. I'll go" he replied.

He cradled me in his arms protectively and kissed me.


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