Chapter 2

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(Irethia and Thranduil are now 10 in human years)

Irethia, Thranduil, and Sellion all became really close freinds. They spent most of there time together. One day they were in the woods exploring, which was exactly what they weren't supposed to be doing alone. They did this a lot though.

- Irethia's P.O.V -

"Did you guys hear that?" I asked. "Hear what?" asked Sellion.

"it was probably just a deer" said Thranduil. "Or maybe.. It's an orc just waiting to jump out at you"

Right as he said that he jumped towards me and pushed me a little. "Ah. Stop it, Thranduil! That's not funny!" i yelled.

"Well now something is going to come jump out at you for sure, with all your screaming" he said.

"Hey, it's your fault for trying to scare me" i said.

"We should go back home now" said Sellion.

"Ok" i said.

Before we got out of the woods a spider jumped down out of a tree. I screamed. Thankfully we were close to the palace and someone that was outside heard us. The bad thing was that it was the Queen, who was not prepared to fight.


"Run!" yelled the Queen.

"Nana!" yelled Thranduil.

The Queen jumped between us and the spider.

"Run" she yelled again.

Sellion started to run back to the palace, but Thranduil would not leave his mother, and i was not leaving without him. He loved his mother, more than anyone.

"Nana, I am not leaving you!" he said. "yes you are" she said.

She pushed him towards me and i grabbed his arm. I started to pull him away.

"Nana!" he yelled again.

"Thranduil, we must go and get help!" I said.

Finally he stopped fighting and ran back with me. When we got to the gat King Oropher and some gaurds were running out. Sellion must of already told them what had happened.

"Thranduil, go back inside!  You've caused enough trouble already!" he said.

When Oropher brought his wife back she was covered in spider webs. She must of been caught. My heart dropped when I heard a nurse say "it's too late. She's dead"

Then Thranduil walked in. He ran to his mother.

"Ada. I-is she dead" he asked with tears in his eyes.

"Yes" said Oropher. "if you would not have gone into the woods alone this would not of happened!" he yelled. "go to your room!"

Thranduil turned around and looked at me. He started to cry, then he ran as fast as he could to his room.


Poor little thranduil.. :'(
~ Rebecca

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