"I'll think about it and let you know after the lesson," I replied.

Woodz then asked if he could sit with me, catching me off guard. I thought about it for a moment and decided to give him a chance. After all, he seemed like a good guy, and there was something intriguing about him.

"If you want, you can sit here," I said, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

Just as we settled in, a woman entered the classroom. She appeared to be around 27 years old with long blond hair, brown eyes, and an elegant presence. She was dressed in a navy blue pantsuit and a light blouse, wearing high heels that accentuated her slender legs. The room fell silent as all the students looked at her, waiting to find out if she was our new biochemistry teacher.

Woodz couldn't resist voicing the question on everyone's mind, "Are you our new chemistry teacher?" he asked, already transferring his attention to me, leaning towards my desk.

The woman turned her gaze to Woodz, scanning the room before taking her seat at the front of the class.

"Firstly, hello, and secondly, I will be your biochemistry teacher," she replied, her voice carrying authority.

Before she could continue, Woodz interrupted, seizing the opportunity to engage in conversation. It was typical of him to try to flirt with a young and beautiful teacher. As for me, I didn't want anything more than friendship from him, so I couldn't say I was jealous.

"Miss, what is your name?" Woodz interjected.

"Thirdly," the teacher continued, unfazed by his interruption, "my name is Miss Minji. I truly hope that at least some of you in this group are here to gain knowledge. I want to remind you that the winter exam will be based on your performance, and while points may help, they won't save you if you answer poorly. So, let's learn, comrades," she finished, directing her gaze towards my desk mate.

However, Woodz seemed completely disinterested in her speech. He was engrossed in drawing something on a piece of paper, while I tried to listen and pay attention. I found myself struggling, feeling a strange mix of loneliness and boredom that was gradually driving me crazy.

My thoughts were interrupted by a nudge from a nearby desk, followed by a question from the teacher.

"I repeat, who is the head of the group? Or is it vacant?"

I realized that the entire group was looking at me with confusion, and Woodz continued scribbling on his paper, seemingly oblivious to what was happening.

"Um... I'm the head of the group," I said, my voice trembling as I raised my hand.

"What are you doing, girl? Lost in the clouds during the first lecture, and now you turn out to be the group leader," the teacher remarked, examining me closely. Then she noticed the paper that Wood

She came a little closer and took the sheet from Woodz's hand, saying, "Well... It's not fair."

"The word 'anticipation' is spelled with a 'p,' young man," she said, expressing her displeasure and disappointment.

"Now it's clear where your mind is wandering, especially when it comes to studying biochemistry," she continued, her tone stern and offensive. She seemed to be making assumptions without knowing anything about me. I noticed the classmates exchanging glances and whispering among themselves, while some appeared to be dozing off.

"Well, she's actually an excellent student," Woodz defended me.

"Oh, I doubt that such 'excellent' students will excel in biochemistry," she responded, casting doubt on my abilities.

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