2~ Reunion

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"I'm sorry I'm late Dynamight."

Midoriya's eyes widened and the whole room inhaled sharply. This was the LAST person Midoriya expected to see.

"Well, what are you guys waiting for?!" Bakugou cut through their shock and everyone jumped.

Uraraka sheepishly scratched the back of her neck. "Sorry Bakugou..."

"Bakugou! We are VERY sorry!" Iida bowed over and over again, apologising crazily.

This was enough to set the room off in hysterics again. Whenever Iida apologised, it would make everyone around him smile, if not laugh.

"Alright everyone! Let's see what Kacchan has to say-"


"All right, all right. Chill!"

"Anyways, sit down. We have something important to say that Dynamight Agency has discovered." Bakugou sounded calm now. He motioned for everyone to sit down.

The sound of scraping chairs filled the room as everyone sat down. As everyone was getting settled, Midoriya noticed him standing to the side.

"Hey.. Uhm... Shouto... You can come sit down...." He winced at how unconfident that had sounded. You guys had been best friends! Why were you so confident with Uraraka and Iida and then with him you just can't talk to him? He's not even scary.. Right?

Todoroki nodded very subtly and sat down on one of the seats furthest away from the people he knew the most. He glanced at Midoriya, the boy who had once been his best friend. I guess people change...

Bakugou had started talking, so he decided to pay attention to what the No.3 Pro Hero had to say.

"As some of you who faced the Shie Hassaikai, you've probably been to a meeting like this. First of all, let me introduce you to our villain. This is Magpie. She's from the Black and White Organisation. As far as we know, there are two departments of this organisation. There's the Black part and the White part."

"Does that mean they'll be able to function even when they're split up into two groups? Like say we cornered them off into two groups, they'd still be able to function and get the job done?"

Bakugou nodded and clicked a button on his controller. "Magpie has two people working under her who control the Black and White groups. We believe that the leader of the Black group goes by the name Storm. Storm has a quirk of summoning storms and dispelling them at will for a short amount of time. The time amount hasn't been discovered yet. The leader of the White group goes by Comms. "

Midoriya frowned. This was slowly turning more and more like the mission to rescue Eri-chan. They were barely able to defeat Overhaul, and even then many were injured and Nighteye had... He had died.

"Comms has the ability to communicate with people through their mind. A little like Mandalay's telepath, but more dangerous. It gets a little like Shinsou's brainwashing in a way. His full power isn't that powerful, but it lasts long enough for him to be able to get you to put a knife in the back of one of your friends."

"Then can he do two-way conversations instead of one way like Mandalay?" All heads turned to the end of the table to where Todoroki was sat. "Why are you all looking at me?"

Bakugou's voice cut through their shock again and everyone turned to look back at him. "Yes. He can communicate to them and when that channel is open, they can communicate back."

The green-haired hero thought over the information he had just been told. Then... What is their goal? With those quirks they'll be able to do anything. We don't even know who they have in the groups yet.

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