Either way I won't leave him.

"I'm not leaving you." I said.

Suddenly I saw someone else's, ODM gear come over. 

I thought it might be mikasas or something. 

But no.

It was kenny's.

He got a knife out.

Is he going to kill me.

Even worse.


I saw him cut a line across erens head.

Eren was now bleeding.

"If your daughter reiss is going to take that Titan serum and have this boy be eaten the least you can do is let him fight for his life." Kenny said.

I looked at him.

Kenny could barely look at me.

Why though.

I looked over at historia.

She threw the serum on the floor so it smashed into a million pieces.

"No!" This fat guy screamed.

The fat guy laid on the ground and licked the serum that was on the ground.

He turned into a Titan.

Historia looked shocked.

Who is this guy.

Historia ran and grabbed a load of keys. And ran up to us.

"One of these keys will unlock it quickly!" She ordered giving me the keys.

I started trying every key until I finally found the right one.

"No. Both of you have to run. Save yourselves." Eren yelled.

"When are you going to get it into that thick brain of yours. You die I die." I shouted.

They both looked at me shocked.

The others came up to us and helped me unlock erens arms and legs.

"Eren your going to have to change into your Titan to beat this guy!" Armin screamed.

Eren looked at me.

"How many times do I have to say it. I want you to be happy. I don't want you dying because of my recklessness, I need you to survive. I need you to go to the sea, I want you to prove to me it's real, even if I'm dead." Eren said to me.

I felt a tear roll down my face.

Eren saw something on the ground.

He ran over to it and bite down on it.

It soon turned him into a Titan.

But when he was fighting, he was able to harden his skin.

How did he do that.

Soon the whole place was falling apart by how large the Titans were.

Eren managed to beat this Titan man.

And we got to leave.

"Who was that guy?" Mikasa asked.

I looked at historia.

"My father." She said.

None of us questioned her.

We made it out of the building.

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