To Axle City

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Ezra knew something felt wrong when he woke up that morning.

Well, for starters, the Force was buzzy. Buzzier than usual. It rang into his ears, sinking into his mind and pounding into his brain. It annoyed him, making him grumpy all morning. Zeb tried to ask if something was bothering him, but Ezra shrugged off the issue as if it was nothing.

It HAD been nothing, after all. The issue was soon laid in front of him the moment he, Gia and Boleena got to school.

The whole group was in front of the entrance. Marinette looked frantic. Adrien looked just as stressed out. Alya, Nino, Chloe, Kagami, Luka, Max, and Kim were all gathered around them, exchanging worried glances while Luka hugged the blonde to comfort him, and Kagami held the shaking designer girl.

"What do you think happened?" Gia asked.

"I... don't know," Boleena frowned.

"I'll find out," Ezra offered, hissing as the Force practically screamed at him to walk to them to investigate.

"Thanks, Ez," Gia grinned. "Bo and I excuse everyone until the issue is sorted out,"

"And it seems like the Force wants you to, anyway," Boleena chuckled, noticing the annoyed aura around the blunet.

"Oh, don't I know it," Ezra sighed and waved them goodbye then he turned to head over to the group.

Max was telling Markov for a tracker of some sort by the time he was close to them. Kim had an arm around him, concern on his face as he glanced back at Marinette and Adrien. It took a while, but soon, he spotted the blunet near them.

"Oh, hey, Ezra,"

"What happened, guys?" Ezra crossed his arms.

"It's the ladybug and black cat miraculous," Max answered for his jock boyfriend, turning to him whilst adjusting his glasses. "They've seemed to have miraculously gone missing!"

Ezra expected many things. For Marinette, her designs missing or sabotaged. For Adrien, his father grounding him for not telling him that he was the Chat Noir the whole time. But this? No, he didn't expect this.

Or maybe he did, but only for Adrien's sake.

"Did Hawkmoth do it?"

"We're not sure," Alix spoke up, joining them with a furrowed expression. "I tried to have Bunnyx search for it from last night's timeline, but there was nothing! Nothing at all! Just a poof, and blammo! They disappeared!"

"They can't have just disappeared!" Chloe huffed. "That is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

"I agree with Chloe," Kagami nodded. "Disappearance of magical jewels into thin air is just... not possible,"

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