"Yeah I am, and if it doesn't make it in the trip back you are getting me another one."

"Yeah okay I will if I want to," Hermione said just to torment him.

"Noooo," Draco pouted, "You WILL get me one. It's my favorite present ever. I am going to want another one."

"Fine, I will."

"Quiet up there, you may be invisible but I can still hear you, wait until we start moving before talking," Jane hissed.

"Sorry," Draco whispered back while Hermione stifled a laugh.


The trip took nine hours, Hermione and Draco mostly sleeping the entire time. They also used each other's body heat to stay warm because as the sun went down, the blanket wasn't sufficient to stay warm. Once they finally arrived, Draco and Hermione jumped off the carriage before it came to a complete stop. "Wow, it really is beautiful at night. Especially when it is not half-destroyed," Hermione said once they were well off the path, looking up in awe at the school.

"Yes it is very beautiful," Draco said, looking at Hermione's awestruck face.

Hermione noticed Draco staring intently at her face. "What are you looking at? Do I have something on my face?"

"Nope, it is absolutely perfect."

"Uhh, thanks," Hermione blushed.

"So how are we going to get into the school?" Draco asked.

"Oh, that's the easy part. I do it all the time. Of course because of Harry, but I usually come up with the plan so they are able to. Since everyone will be feasting in the Great Hall, we will come in from the other side by the Greenhouses. Then we will head to the Room of Requirement to try to remake the potion. The hard part is not getting caught and actually figuring out the potion. We will have to pass the Great Hall to get to the Room of Requirement so we have to be very careful. You ready?"

"Let's go."

Hand in hand, Draco and Hermione made their way around the school to the Greenhouses, then they carefully made it inside and across the school to the Great Hall. They pause before crossing. From inside they hear the Sorting Hat sort the first years, "hmmm Jane Malfoy..."

"Oh my- they are sorting Jane, wait let's listen," Draco said when Hermione was going to dash across.

"Hmmm... intelligent, loyal, ambitious, brave, this is a tricky one... I think... Ravenclaw!" the Sorting Hat announced.

"I knew it, now we got to go," Hermione said.

"Excuse me, what are you two doing sneaking around?" a quiet voice asked behind them.

Both Hermione and Draco jumped to find Headmaster Dexter Fortescue standing behind them. "We... uh... we were just..." Draco sputtered.

"Well we are from the future and we are trying to get back," Hermione said knowing they won't be able to lie out of their situation.

"Really? Who are you and when do you come from? And, pray tell, how did you get here?" Fortescue asked, his tone mild.

"I am Hermione Granger and this Draco Malfoy. His ancestor was just sorted into Ravenclaw. We come from the year 1998. We spilled different ingredients on ourselves and somehow managed to travel over 300 years into the past, we believe into the bodies of one of our ancestors. As to Hogwarts, I taught Miss Malfoy the invisibility Charm and the Disillusionment Charm and she placed them on us in London. We came in with the luggage. We are now traveling to the Room of Requirement to try and recreate the potion that brought us here to hopefully bring us back," Hermione explained.

"I was not aware we had a Room of Requirement, would you mind if I follow, I would like to see where this room is," Fortescue said, with no change in his tone.

"Wait, you believe us?" Draco asked.

"I have seen crazy things in my lifetime dear boy, you learn to go with the flow of life. Now, where is this Room of Requirement."

"The room is located on the seventh floor in the left corridor of the Hogwarts castle and has a hidden entrance opposite the tapestry depicting the attempt of Barnabas the Barmy to teach trolls ballet. The way to open the room is to walk past it three times thinking about what you need, and the door will appear," Hermione explained heading towards the stairs to the seventh floor.

"Interesting," Fortescue said, following behind.

"Professor Swoopstikes was the one who delivered the letter to Miss Malfoy because she came from a muggle family. He said he was a Potions master, do you think it would be helpful for him to join us? We are good at Potions but we are still students, he must be more advanced. Or is just saying that we once had a teacher who was a fraud. He was good at memory charms so he took credit for many deeds he never did." Hermione rambled on as they were walking.

"Hermione you're rambling again," Draco said, grabbing hold of her hand.

"No, Miss Granger, Swoopstikes is not a fraud, but I do believe you are entirely capable of figuring out this potion on your own. You two seem like bright students."

The trio made it to the seventh-floor corridor. Hermione walked past the wall three times thinking... I need a potions room that has the ingredients to get me home and food to eat. After the third time, the door appeared, and inside was a replica of the potions room.

"One last thing, we don't know what will happen to the bodies that we have taken over once we return. You may have to cast a memory charm on them or something. Also, before you do you may want to let Miss Malfoy meet her brother here because he wasn't around when she got her letter. Just to let you know," Hermione said as they walked into the Room of Requirement.

"Let me worry about that, you two just worry about getting home. This is an interesting part of Hogwarts I never knew about. Thank you for enlightening me. I think I will keep it to myself, for now, I might just make it a headmaster secret. I will leave you two your potion. I really must be getting back to the feast to welcome the first years. And I will keep an eye out for Miss Malfoy." Fortescue winked then left the Room of Requirement.

"He totally gives me Dumbledore vibes," Draco said after Fortescue left.

"Yes I agree he does, now let's eat some food then make this potion."

"Oh you remembered food, thank you, my stomach is growling."

"That's what happens when you spend the last seven years being close friends with Ron, there always needs to be food. Now let's eat."

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