"She is unwell." This was all Mark could muster. Samantha only knew so much, she was given just enough information so that she could remain objective in her thinking. The shaded mountain pack leaders not wanting her to be looking for something specific but wanting her to see the whole picture as she provided her observations.

"... She hit him today. When his personality changed. He told her she need to go back to Jason. She lost her shit. I'm pretty sure she broke his nose. She kept calling him Elena, and told him to come back. He said she didn't want to. That's when he was locked away. I think she's going to really hurt him if he doesn't start listening to her..." her voice began to lower as she walked over to her bed and sat on the edge, her hand now rubbing tensely at the back of her neck.

"How is she treating you?" Mark asked being more concerned about her safety in the environment.

"She's nice, she seems to appreciate my company. She said I'm soothing to her troubled mind. But she doesn't like me talking to him. I'm pretty sure I got him in trouble earlier. She's really possessive."

"Do yourself a favor and keep your distance from him. She seems to be really insecure and I don't want you caught in the crossfire." Mark said firmly, his words holding a warning tone for her to use caution. "Just focus on her, and keep doing what you're doing. You're doing great babe." He said giving her his approval and showing his satisfaction with the information she had relayed to him. "Can you video me?"

"Uuhhh.." she looked over to the door and saw that she did in fact lock it. "Let me grab my headphones." She said as she got up from the bed and began to sift through her bag, pulling out her Bluetooth earplugs and popping them in before she initiated the video call.

"There you are..." he said with a grin, taking in her beautiful face and messy red hair in the low lighting of the room. "God, I miss you." He purred out and she smiled with a blush in return.

"I miss you too.. I can't wait to be back there. I'm having trouble sleeping." She said falling back into the bed and adjusting the pillow beneath her head.

"Me too.. I've been sleeping like shit." He said as his big blue eyes stared intensely at her on the screen, he had visible dark circles underneath his lower lashes. "Show me what you're wearing." His voice coming out as smooth as silk and receiving instant satisfaction as she moved the cameras angle down and took in that she was wearing nothing but one of his shirts and some panties. "Fuck, you're sexy." His tone husky and deep, his eyes showing a light upset as she took away his view and moved the camera back to her face.

"I'm beginning to think you only like me for my body." She rolled her eyes with a grin in her face, as she saw his shoulder shift knowing he was beginning to touch himself.

"Well... it's technically my body, soooo..." he smirked back at her to which she glared. "But I love you for many other things, right now I just really want your body."

"Is that right?" She arched her eyebrow.

"Touch yourself." He said back quickly, his dick was out and in his hand as he stared at her soft features. Her cheeks blushed a deeper red as her own fingers lifted up his large shirt and dipped into her panties. "Show me." Satisfaction rolling over his own face as her camera switched to the front and her saw her delicate hand within the black lace. "Mmm... does it feel good?" He purred out his question.

"It'd be better if you were doing it." She said quietly, as she rubbed at her clit in circular motions gently.

"You have no idea what I'm going to do to you when I see you." His tone almost threatening as he bit at his lower lip, his firm handed grip aggressively pulling at his length. "Put two fingers in." He said, a groan erupting from the base of his throat as he heard her gasp as she complied with his direction. "Stroke your g spot." He whispered lowly. "How wet are you?"

"Fucking soaked." She moaned back.

"Show me your fingers." He said quickly wanting to see them glisten, his arousal in overdrive as they shined in the low lights. "Fuck. Take your panties off. I want to see you fuck your self." She listened to his words and immediately slipped them off, his eyes growing black as watched her fingers slip in and out while lovingly stroking her sensitive spot within. "Mmm, I'm gonna fucking destroy that pussy. You're not gonna walk right for fucking days when I get my hands on you."

"I love you, Mark." She whispered out breathily as her cheeks flushed even more firmly.

"I love you too baby. Harder and faster." He commanded and closed his eyes momentarily as her moans increased and deepened in their tone.

"Oh fuck, I'm going to cum." Her words were becoming short as her breaths became quicker, her eyes tightly closed shut.

"Samantha.. you know the rules." He warned, drawing closer to his own completion.

"This is fucking bullshit." She spat out bitterly the camera immediately shifting to her face where she glared at him, immediately causing him to finish.  His hot cum spilling over his abs and he groaned out, her view of his face only worsening the throbbing between her legs.

"Watch your tone." He said once he composed himself, a sharp inhale being taken through his nose to calm his own heart rate.

"You're a literal prick." She spat out furiously, very much frustrated in the moment.

"Watch. Your. Tone." He said back deeply, finding her extremely adorable in the moment, but hiding his thoughts behind a hardened facial expression complete with a matching stare. "You know you're not allowed to cum while you're away. It's your fault you put yourself in this condition, not mine." A smirk rising to his face as his eyes twinkled, knowing he led her down the path, and finding it entirely rewarding to leave her in a state of frustrated want.

"I'm fucking going to bed." She looked away from the screen with bitter eyes clearly laid out in her face.

"Okay, but don't even think about touching yourself." He said firmly, staring at her through the screen, his tone deep and commanding and invoking his rules set on her.

"Bye." She said sharply.

"Goodnight babe. I love you." He said his eyes now grinning with his lips.

"Whatever." A clear annoyance in her tone.

"Samantha." He said expectantly.

"...Love you too. Goodnight." Her irritation only growing as he forced the words from her lips.

"Talk to you tomorrow." He said now feeling complete at her words of affirmation.

"Whatever." She said hanging up abruptly.

She could just ignore him and finish herself, she was alone and no longer under his direction, but in all reality she couldn't. He had a way of controlling her own body, and she would fall into compliance with any of his commands. He took great pleasure in denying her own, but she had learned in their time together the more he denied her the greater the end reward would be. She might be upset now, but it would be worth it later when they saw each other again. He was heavy handed with his payouts.

And Then She Was Gone Where stories live. Discover now