"I-uh help out at a grocery store downtown."

The silence stretches as Aizawa takes in the implications behind this new piece of information.

"What about school?"

"We had tutors at the orphanage, but I could never keep up without the right books." Anger rises in his chest, hot and coiling at the neglect this child suffered in that hellhole. Was getting him a few braille books that hard for them? Was it that much of a bother to offer basic human decency? "Besides, I continued the work on my own after I left. So, I don't need to go to school."

That was something at least.

"Can you take a seat please, Midoriya. I think it's high time we had a proper discussion about all this."

He's about to get up to usher the kid into a seat when the boy beats him to it. Much to Aizawa's bafflement, the teen gets to his seat with only the help of his cane. Touching and feeling his way to the designated chair.

"First of all, I know why you needed a job before, but why would you still go now?"

The question seems to puzzle the teen as if he's not sure why Aizawa would ask such an obvious question.

"F-for food and s-stuff." He says plainly.

"Then you don't need to anymore. You live with me now." When the kid doesn't make any reaction or give any sign of understanding, Aizawa continues. "You're under my care now, Midoriya. I will provide you with anything you need. That means any necessities such as food and clothes, but also any other stuff you may want or need."

"You don't have to do that, I can take care of myself." Like always, goes unsaid.

"I know you can Midoriya. But you need to understand that it's okay to rely on others too. You don't have to do everything alone." When the silence stretches, Aizawa sighs, not knowing how to get through to the kid. "Look, let's make a compromise, okay?" The teen nods slowly at that. "You can work once a week on the weekends and whatever money you earn is yours to do whatever you want with. However, I will be the one paying for food and any other necessity. You can consider the money you get as pocket money. Does that sound good?"

"Y-yes, okay." The boy responds hesitantly.

"Good, now that that's over, it reminds me that we need to get you some clothes, as well as some standard high school tests so I can see where you're at educational-wise. And we'll go from there." After a little bit of contemplation, he adds, "Maybe we can get you a haircut too."

"I have clothes and I don't need a haircut." The cold shift in Izuku's demeanor almost makes him laugh. Almost.

"Midoriya as charming as those holes in your clothes are, you need something sturdier, it's getting cold anyway." Maybe he needs to dial down on the sarcasm but the near smile he gets out of the teen in front of him says otherwise. "And if you're that adamant about not getting a haircut, at least let me help you tie them properly. Your face is barely visible kid."

"You don't have to do this." Izuku mumbles, fist-clenching at his sides. Fingers curling around the cane in his right hand.

"Do what?"

"Be this- this nice!" Izuku can't help how his voice rises as he speaks. "You do all these things for me! Why are you even bothering, I mean, who cares if my hair is a mess, it's not like I can actually see how I look. It's not like anybody ever cared enough to say anything, so why do you?" The confusion and desperation in his voice alone rattle Aizawa to the core.

"Is it that strange for someone to want to care for you? To want you to take care of yourself?"

"I've been taking care of myself for most of my life."

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now