"Stop lying to yourself".

"Karl, I told you to stop worrying about me".

The taller boy felt like screaming. Why was he acting like that? All interested and then Karl's interested and just wants him to be okay and he pushes him away. It's making him frustrated. 

Karl sighed.

"Alright", he said and walked towards the door.

Without looking back, the boy closed the door and walked downstairs.


"Quackity?", someone shook the boy awake.

He sat up quickly and looked around with narrowed eyes.

"Oh... hey mum", he yawned.

"What are you two doing down here?", she asked, her hands resting on her hips.

Karl slowly woke up as well.

"I guess we fell asleep while watching a movie", the smaller boy shrugged and got up.

"Come on, Karl. Let's go upstairs", Quackity grabbed Karl by his wrist and pulled him up.

He mouthed a "hurry up!" and literally ran up the stairs.

Quackity pushed the door open and walked over to his bed.

"Alright! It's time to wake up", he said.

"No need to scream like that", Sapnap mumbled.

Karl stood awkwardly in the room, not knowing what to say or if he should even say something. He could see that Sapnap didn't had slept for a second that night. He couldn't even keep his eyes open.

"Didn't you sleep well?", Quackity asked.

"No, your bed is uncomfortable".

"Alright, lucky you that you will be sleeping in your own bed tonight", the brunet who already had a beanie on his head stood up.

"How is your side?", he asked.

"Better", Sapnap answered and slowly sat up.

He didn't say anything. He didn't even narrow his eyes a little bit. He looked fine but Karl saw it. Karl saw how he tightly gripped the bed sheets and how his side flinched when he sat up.

"That's good, man! I'm glad", Quackity said.

"Karl can drive you home, right?", suddenly he turned around.

"Uh.. yes, of course", Karl bounced himself up from the door and walked over to the two boys.

He carefully drove his arm under Sapnap's shoulder.

"What are you doing?", he asked and backed up a little bit.

"I'm helping you. Stop being silly and just let me help you", Karl was getting tired of him being stubborn and pretending that he's fine.

The boy just swallowed and let Karl help him. They slowly stepped towards the window and Quackity opened it.

"Okay, this is going to be difficult", the tall boy mumbled.

"Let's just do this quickly, alright?", Sapnap had already slipped half of his body through the window.

He took a shaky breath and swung his left leg over and then his right one. You could hear a muffled curse coming from him. He slowly wiped over his eyes and nodded at the two boys which were still in the house. Karl turned around and said his goodbyes to his friend Quackity, before jumping out of the window as well.

The second Karl was out as well, he slipped his arm under Sapnap's shoulder again. He felt the boy tense but relax after a few seconds.

"How about you wait here and I-", the taller boy stopped talking.

"What?", Sapnap asked.

"I- I have no drivers license", he suddenly said.


Karl sighed and drove a hand through his hair.

"You have no drivers license? You're 17 years old!".

"Yeah, I know that! I just haven't practiced yet".

He heard Sapnap sighning next to him. 

Karl bit his lip. He felt his ears getting hotter at the idea coming in his head.

"You could maybe stay over at mine. Only for a few hours! I know that Quackity has time in a few hours, we wanted to call anyway. He can probably drive you home then", Karl spoke quietly.

At first, Sapnap didn't say anything. Then he nodded slowly and took a deep breath afterwards.

"Ok, sounds good", he answered.

Karl repositioned his arm under the other boy's shoulder and they carefully walked down the street to Karl's place.


Hey, thank you for reading chapter eight! I hope you like it :D Stay healthy <3

twitter for updates: cyleedd

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