finding out your pregnant

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Chris and I have been married for over a year now. I couldn't have been happier. Both of us wanted to have kids more than anything.

I've  been trying to get pregnant but have had no luck. It's been bringing me down. But we both decided to keep trying.

I woke up one morning in Chris and I's shared bedroom. I jump up and run to the bathroom and empty everything I  had for dinner last night. I hear Chris get up from bed. He enters the bathroom, kneels down, and holds my hair back.

"Are you alright love ", Chris whispered while rubbing your back. All you could do was groan. I finish, brush your teeth and look at Chris. " I need pregnancy tests", I say with a straight face."What", Kio says with a chuckle. "I think I'm pregnant.",I say wiping my mouth.

Chris goes to the drawer pulls out some pregnancy tests. We keep pregnancy tests so we don't have to constantly buy them since we are trying to have a baby. He brings them to me and I go to take them.

10 minutes later you come out of the bathroom and hug Chris. He feels your tears hit his skin. He then pulls away and you nod. I'm  pregnant. Chris picks you up and runs around the room screaming.

"WE'RE HAVING A BABY", I screamed. I pull Chris in for a deep kiss. " I love you so much", you say."I love you even more", Chris replies.

I'm thinking pregnancy series. What bout you guys??

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