Basically you would go on a date with someone random, and ask questions that the school would give you. If you got the all the questions within the time limit, you would gain private points. However, there was a catch. Your date would be broadcasted, and they would rate you and your partner. The rating would go 1 through 10, and depending on what the students thought, that's how much points you'd get. In order to keep it fair, you need to have a valid reason that can be confirmed, and your reasoning must be about the date only, not about the classes or whatever personal connection you had with the participants. Since the classes would pick two people to represent them, your class cannot vote for their own participants. So Class D can't vote for the Class D participants.

My plan was interrupted, but Plan B is in action. To ask him to be my partner for the special exam. This was the best way to ask him now that the special exam got in my way.

"Hey Kiyotaka?" I let out in a low voice.


"W-Would you be my partner for the exam?" I mutter.

"What did you say Horikita?" He asks.

"W-Would you be my partner for the exam?" I speak with the best of my ability.

"I gladly would, Suzune." He says with confidence.

Wait what?

Did he just-

I could hear the murmurs, and Airi had just passed out. I blushed across my face and brought out my compass.

I stabbed him.

"Ow. That hurt." He says again.

"D-Don't do that again." I said in a surprisingly serious voice.

"Sure, Suzune." Okay, now I know he's teasing me. He lets out a little chuckle before I stab him again.

Time Skip~


The announcer had come on, allowing the participants to get dressed before the date. They had an hour, so they had enough time. 

Kiyotaka puts on his casual clothes, a grey overcoat with a green shirt over a white shirt.

Meanwhile, Horikita puts on a black jacket, a white shirt, with a white skirt.

Kiyotaka makes it to Keyaki Mall where the location of the date would be. He was 10 minutes early, so he waited for a bit, talking with his tools- I mean friends through text.


I was looking at my phone to see Horikita. I'm not going to lie, she was beautiful. If we weren't on camera, I don't know what I would do. Anyway, I decided to tease her a bit by taking her hand.

"W-What are you doing-"

I pulled her up to me and brought her into a hug, now that I've got her in my trap.

"You look beautiful today, Suzune." I whispered into her ear. I saw her face immediately go red, and I chuckled.

"L-Let's just get this over with." She muttered.



Ike: That lucky bastard! He's going out with our leader!

Ike: Are you okay Sudo? You seem upset.

Sudog: Y-Yeah, I'm good. *sobbing*

Haruka: I didn't know Kiyopon was such a charmer.

(Airi fainted again)

The rest of the girls were blushing as Kiyotaka brought Horikita into a hug and whispered something into her ear.

(As a Kei lover, I cannot bear to put her in this chapter. It would hurt me way too much.)

Matsushita: Interesting, seems like Kiyotaka really likes our leader.

Koenji: 'Another maiden to the collection? As expected from our king.'


Ryuen: Kuku~ Another girl? Expected from the king himself.

Ibuki: Ugh, that womanizer.

Hiyori: Seems like my book buddy is quite the ladiesman.


Ecchinose: Do I even have a chance?!?! *sad*

The next  5 minutes were her classmates comforting her.


Sakayanagi: Fufu~ Seems like Kiyotaka has charmed another woman. Don't you wish that was you Kamuro?~

Kamuro: Not in a million years would I ever date that weirdo.


3rd Person Pov:

The two walked around, answered each other's questions,  looked in displays, and just enjoyed themselves. There wasn't any ulterior motives, just two people on a date. It felt good for both of them, since a break from school was a rare occurrence.

Kiyotaka lead Horikita into the cafe, reserving a corner table. Kiyotaka decided to try something new, and got a Caramel Frappe, while Horikita just asked for a coffee.

Horikita was going to pay, but Kiyotaka got to it first.

"Why are you paying for me? I'm not broke you know." She said sternly.

"Is there something wrong with buying something for my girlfriend?" He responded.

Kiyotaka was going for a combo at this point, because Horikita immediately started blushing and walked over to the table.

They were both seated. Horikita was going to go for it.

Kiyotaka had begun to sip on his Frappe when Horikita popped the question.



"What do you think of me as?"

"Didn't I tell you earlier?" He responded.

"Your my girlfriend."

"Are you joking?" She said, not believing what her ears are hearing currently.

"Here's some proof." He said.

He stood up and went over to her. He lifted her chin, their eyes meeting. He closed his eyes, leaned in and...

kissed her.


A/N: So this was shorter, but it was still over 1000 words, I'm getting better at writing longer stories, so thats a plus. just need to learn how to add more intensity and feeling to these. also my power may go out so i do not know when the next update will be, but we'll have to see. yet again, i hope you enjoyed.

1402 words

made on 2/17/2021

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