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Tanuja lay sprawled in bed, face down, clutching a pillow, holding it close to her chest as if seeking for comfort. Her face, red and streaked with tears, finally emerged from the crinkled sheets. Completely drained from crying, she let out a weary sigh. Once again, Nikhil's words echoed in her head.

"Get this goddammit! I need my space!"

"I don't need you sitting on top of my head and dictating terms!"

"I don't need you!"

"I'll do what I want!"

"If you feel so bored go and FIND something to do!"


Nikhil, slouched over a three-seater couch, taps away on his tablet. Tanuja sinks onto the couch just beside him, hugging his arm. He doesn't acknowledge her touch. She asks him something, but he is engrossed in his Facebook and Twitter and doesn't hear her. She repeats her words, but he never responds. Heart sinking, her smile fades away.

The night of their first anniversary, Nikhil, intoxicated, drunk to the ears, trudges into their room, slumps onto bed, and passes out. Tanuja watches him for a moment, turns over and quietly cries herself to sleep.

Tanuja visits the temple with Nikhil who makes a quick exit. On her way out, she finds a couple moving around like best friends and realizes that Nikhil was nowhere next to her. They lived together and yet they were so far apart.

Evening of their second anniversary, Nikhil breaks his promise once again. He cancels their plans and instead goes out to party with friends.



Tanuja, overwhelmed and saddened, broke down crying once again. Her chest ached like a heart attack, her head pounded like a stroke, yet, she was unable to contain herself. The feeling of being unloved, unwanted and unimportant was scary. Looking back, things had shifted between them in just few months into their marriage. What could have gone wrong, she always wondered. Have I done something wrong? Maybe, yes.


Nikhil was already in bed when Tanuja stepped out of the shower. She'd had a long day and was ready to drop like a rock. She quickly dressed up and slipped into bed. Soon, she felt him move in. "Still awake?" she asked.

"Hmm, what took you so long?"

Tanuja gazed into his eyes. They were soft and longing, a look that she was too familiar with, a look that meant he needed it. Right now.

Her heart quickened; she didn't want it. Not now. She was worn out, exhausted. All that she needed now was some time to herself, some time to wind out, and a good night's sleep.

Despite her hesitation, he made his move, wrapping a leg around and brushing his hardness over her. She grew uncomfortable as he planted soft kisses, gently coursing from her ears down her neck and breasts.

"Nikhil..." she mumbled.

"Hmm?" He had already begun to pamper her, doing things with his fingers, trying to switch her on. But all what it did was turn on the panic button.

"Nikhil... not now..." She spilled the words with great effort. Refusing him was something she didn't fancy, however, giving in at an inappropriate moment wasn't something she could digest either.

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