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Fred:wait so
U:yeah if I keep the baby I get fat
Fred:then what
U:u become your normal size again
U:no it's more of
Archie:what time is it
U:Jordon what time is it
Jordon:look at your phone
U:I would but it's over there
U point next to him
Jordon reaches over to it
Cory:u guys can stay round the night
U:jor get me my bad it's next to u
He gives it to u
Jordon:what u need it for
U:I just wanted it with me
The hear a knock on the door
U:who is it now
U open the door to see DJ and Arron
U:what do u want
DJ:to talk to u
U:why do u want to talk to me
DJ:like yesterday what was that about
U:u,u think you can come into someone's life and expect them to change like that,what did that do to me hey this got me into this mess,got meh dad into a drunky got me I for drugs and done this to my family and it's your fault
DJ:u came running back
U:yeah just so I could feel better bout myself but it's didn't do anything for me
Arron:well u are carrying his baby
U:yeah,don't mean he has to be in my life
U slam the door shut and sit back down
Cory:nice show
U:shut it
Cory:it's the truth
U Chuck a book at his face
U:I will go get those sissores mate to cut your hair
Cory:u won't dare
U get up and grab them and come over to him
U:don't push me mate just cause your 1 minute older then me
Cory:go on then cut meh hair dare u
U cut a bit of and give it to him but it ain't noticeable
U:there u go
U sit near Jordon and u laugh at Cory
Cory:can u see
U:no,man up
Cory:u cut your hair then
U:give me the scissors
He bring u the scissors and u cut the red bits shorter
U:not the bad now is it
Cory:yeah but my hair
U:my hair
Jordon:Cory u are 17 man up
Cory:cut a bit of your hair then
U:no don't u will distroy yours yours is to fluffy don't do it
Cory:my hair was fluffy
U:no yours was gel and hairspray which reminds me u own me a bottle
U:can we watch a movie
Jordon:no last time I watched that I couldn't go in the water for ages
Cory:just don't echo the shark bit
Jordon:yeah but I don't like the film can we watch like
U:maze run
U watch maze run with the lights of and a scary but comes and Cory snuck to the side of u and scared u
U:ahhh fuck
U:u fucking ass hat

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