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U go out to lunch holding a baby in your arms
Cory:u know your baby bump is showing
Jordon:yeah u look fat
U:cheers mate
Riz:no one's bump shows that quick
Cory:unless u first baby never died and it played dead and now u have another baby
U:yeh well if I'm pregnant with two I am keeping one of them
Jordon:yeah dad will be mad if u have three
U:he going to be mad anyswsys
U get to the canteen
Missy walks over
Missy:look guys she's got here baby and her little baby bump showing
U:yeah I know
Nas:missy come
U:lisen to your little pet
Missy comes closer to ya and u stand up holding chase
U:hit me and the baby go on just know u will go to jail and then whisky will go into care again and nana will be alone
Missy:yeah well at least my dad don't abuse me
U:u don't have a dad
Missy:but u do
Cory:he do t hit us
Jordon:yeah he is a good dad
U look at them
Cory smiles at u u lightly smile back

When u get home u rush upstairs leaving Cory with the buggy and his mates
U ring Darren up
U:come and get the baby like right now
U run downstairs lay chase in Jordons arm and leave
Cory:where u going
U:dragging his ass here
Jordon:some one take the baby from me please
U:lay him in the buggy im being back in 10
U get to his knock in the door and he opens
U grab his arm and March back to your place
Cory:there back and looking happy
U push past him
Darren:what u want now
U:take the baby please
Darren:no he needs a mum more then a dad
U:no,no don't play that card on we u muppet take chase and don't come back your are 21 and I'm 17 I am still going to school your not u stay at home and work I go out then come back then go to work
He goes over to the boys and takes all the things
U fall down on the sofa
Cory:why u so tired
U:I don't know
Jordon pushes your feet of the sofa and sits down
U:why u so annoying
Jordon:how much is a dust pan and the brush thing
U:don't know
Jordon:what u mean u don't know
U:go get the Argos book and u look
Jordon:where is it
U:in the kitchen I think
Cory:make sure u don't look at the baby ones
Jordon:yeah I made that mistake one time
U:he saw hety the hoover but brought the baby one
Jordon:yeah well at least I don't need to be reminded how to walk sometimes
U:exuse me it's only when I'm tired
Jordon:go on then get up
Cory:wait let me move the table
U:checks bugger
U stand up try and move but u can't
Jordon:left foot
U:whick ones that
Jordon:that leg
U end up falling
Cory:u stupid cow
U:fuck if
Your dad opens the door
Dad:why's U on the floors
U:dropped me phone
Dad:it's with Jordon
U:I mean dropped forget it I tripped
Your dad walks out the front door laughing

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