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I wake up in the class room on corys lap
U:my stomach hurts
Cory:yeah well u ain't pregnant any more missy killed the baby
U get of his lap and rush out the class room so see her sat down on the stairs all happy
U:u killed the baby
Missy:I what
U:killed my baby
Missy:ok and
U:that could have killed me to
Nas:we are sorry
Missy:I'm not
Nas:missy u almost killed her and u just killed her baby
U:don't bother
U go into the class room grab your bag and run out
Miss.Carter:Millie where u going
U walk out and go to the park where DJ is all alone
U:DJ come here
U:get me pregnant again
DJ:how u lose the baby
U:just get me pregnant again
DJ:fine by me
U run to his house cause he lives alone u go for the bedroom and do the dirty
The next day u go back into school and u are having another one of those days with the same group
Cory:where where u last night
U:I was at uncles shop
Jordon:funny cause u weren't there
U smile a bit
Cory:I know
All the boys laugh
U:darron keeps messaging me though saying he don't want the baby
Cory:call him and put it on loud speaker
Phone call (d is Darren)
D:Millie please take the baby back cause my gf don't like chase
U:well u said I am not aloud to see him
U:no I'm 17 u are 21
D:please mills
U:I can't I'm pregnant
D:ok and
U:lisen yeah,u for me pregnant u deal with the consequences
D:it went my fault
U:it was
D:I'm dropping the baby of at your school
Cory:mate don't
D:I'm sorry I have to
Jordon:yeah but u may not have a baby
D:what u mean
Jordon: missy's out to get her she killed the baby that was not her stomach nose she pregnant again
D:see u soon
U:be back in a sec
U all to the front desk and Darren is there
U take the baby and the pram which also is a car seat and the baby bag
U lay chase in the buggy and quickly go back I got eh class
U push the buggy to where the boys are took chase out and sat back to where u where
U:shshssh go to sleep
Riz:give it a bottle it might fall asleep
Cory:yeah there
He chucks the bottle to you and u feed him
U:Jordon bring the baby bag and the car seat over then Cory fold the buggy and put it under the table tony can't see it
Chase finished his bottle and fell asleep u give him his dummy and lay him in the car seat
Mr.bell.so how's it going
Chase burps
Jordon:pardon me
Me.bell:ok ok what's going on

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