
Start from the beginning

,,What happened to your hand?"

I come to an abruptly stop. A cold shiver covering my body. Don't get cocky with me or you'll end up dead. I shake my head, putting the raven-haired boy to the back of my mind. At least until it's safe enough to open its shallow pages. I turn around again, preparing to tell the same lie I told not too long ago.

,,I fell while running to get here before curfew."

,,Oh?" He raises a brow.

,,Yeah.", I chuckle humorlessly ,,What can I say. I'm quite stubborn." No , as much as I let others think I am, I'm not.

I try to dash for the stairs again, groaning at the sound of him clearing his throat stabbed the silence I'm so used to liking.

,,Can we talk? About the party?" He asks carefully.

I turn towards him, a forced smile on my face. I was dreading this conversation. Not because I regret it , or wish it could've ended a specific way. But because I wasn't thinking, because while leaning in , I never thought about his brown eyes.. but the brown eyes from back home. The brown eyes I would do anything for. I wish I could take that night back. No, not because I regret it. But because I wish it would've been someone else. Because as much as I tried to move on, walking into that closet. Leaning in on that bed. I couldn't . My mind was and is focused on the same brown eyes boy from back home. The ones that sparkled in my presence. Not only those brown eyes, but also that pretty smile. The smile I had the chance to witness while making some cheesy remarks or staring at him until one of us cracked a smile. But in the end, it was his brown eyes and his smile I thought of.

So I took a deep breath, and pushed him to the back, like I've done so easily for the past couple of days only for him to come back when the guilt was too much.

,,Yeah, what's up?"

,,I don't want you to get the wrong intentions. It was fun and everything but I-" he starts but my relief  cuts him short.

,,Oh thank Merlin." His eyebrows furrow.

,,I mean not that- I mean , I'm glad we're on the same page." I add, his brows so slightly pulling.

,,So we're good?"

I chuckle, this time actually chuckle.  The oh so heavy feeling leaving my chest.

,,Yes of course. Plus, I would've talked to you about it eventually. It's not that I didn't want it. I did , really. But...with someone else." I confess .

,,Someone else? Well now you have to tell me." He smirks while patting the spot next to him. I eagerly sit down prepared to tell him everything about the boy back home.-


A solid object hit my left cheek, hard, waking me up from my peaceful sleep.  I open my eyes slowly, taking my surroundings in. My ceiling isn't a deep green... nor do I have a chandelier in the middle of my...room? I look around frantically.  Not my room. Not an unfamiliar room either. It was the common room. A soft movement behind my head makes me sit up immediately. 

I turn around in a dash, my soul leaving my body momentarily . Jacob was laying there , in front of me half asleep.  It wasn't an object that hit me, it was his hand. I rubbed my cheek soothingly and stood up , looking back at him once more before strolling up to my dorm.

I walked in  and turned the candle on my nightstand on, closing the door behind me with a swish of my hand. We must've fell asleep while talking.  That's the only reasonable excuse I have for sleeping on him.


,,who hurt the boy?" A deep voice asks.

,,It was her she- she did it to him." The familiar voice answers.

,,The baby? The baby did this to him? How is it possible ?"

,,I- I had to do something.  I had to keep her alive Albus, I had to do the ritual."

A painful  ear shattering scream fills my ears-

-I woke up startled, my lungs expanding in an unbearable way. My fists clutch around the dark green sheets, my nails going through the soft fabric like claws ripping through flesh.  A sticky unpleasant  sheet of sweat covered my forehead. 

I blink, adjusting my sight to the pitch black room.  I haven't had a nightmare in a long time. But it didn't feel like a nightmare, it felt like I've witnessed this before. Like I was right there when it happened.  And the voices seemed so bloody familiar. 

Giving up on sleep, I stood up and walked to my closet , pulling out a cloak. It was  cold now that october is around the corner, especially at night. I looked over to my clock. A couple of minutes past two  to be exact.

Accio wand

My wand flies into my hand, the magic never once failing to flow through my veins, giving me the comfort I  so desperately need.

The walk around the halls was peaceful and quiet.  I haven't been here  for a long time , yet I always find myself seeking comfort in the nostalgic chill of the dark abandoned halls. I've found myself rooming the dark halls almost every day now.  I know the path from the common room to the entrance hall like the back of my head.  The halls have seen more of me than I  would ever let another being know. I've spent countless nights walking around while I let myself be engulfed by my thoughts.  And yet I'm still not quite sure why I seek  so much comfort in the halls. The portraits don't talk to me, they don't whisper to me. They just..stare at me.

It wasn't long before my feet carried me to the one place I now dreaded. The shallow whispering started again. Scratching the back of my mind pulling a headache.

Before I knew what's happening,  my feet started to carry me up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower.  My heartbeat quickens,  my wand pointed towards the top. He wouldn't want a repeat performance now would he?

Reaching the top, it wasn't long before we started shooting spells at one another , missing by inches.  I wasn't going down tonight and he knew it.  I was shoting spell after spell , edging forward while he was edging back. Coming more and more closer to the railing. A dark spell flew towards me , my shield protecting it instinctively. All my anger was boiling, my hand shaking with furry. And with one more spell, neither of us expected,  his body slumped over the railing,  falling into its depth.

I gasp , all my anger gone covered by anxiety.  I have just killed a student. Not a student but You-Know-Who's son.  His son. His own bone and flesh. My eyes started to tear, my legs leading me to the railing,  looking down fearfully.

Tears were streaming down my face while I stared down at the fallen body.

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