10. Jakaterine II and teeth

Start from the beginning

My hands look like normal hands...
A big palm. Just like Jungkook's, maybe even bigger.

But in reality - my hands were different:

My hands can only play the piano and steal money.

If we're being honest - why do I even need such hands?

Not a single person needs such hands.

That time - our argument ended there.

The history teacher walked in and the class started.

I hated history. For me, it was one of the most boring subjects in school. Why was it even invented? It's very hard to sit through 45 minutes and listen about wars and what status what person had.

But this time - everything happened differently. Today the teacher was talking about Jakaterine II, Russia's imperator. She was known for her controlling manner. She took away the imperator's title from her mentally unstable husband.

Now that's - awesome.

I was interested and for a short while, I forgot about the argument me and Jungkook had.

The teacher was still talking about Jakaterine and her childhood with passion.

Jakaterine's father was a man devoted to serving his country and her mother - was a  restless soul. She travelled all around Europe and never found time for her daughter.

If she wanted to show her daughter attention she did it simply: walked up to her, smacked her across the face and that was it.

That's just...wow.

After hearing that, Jungkook's hand found it's way on my thigh. He gave it a squeeze under the table. He startled me but this time - I didn't give up. I gave him back the same.

I squeezed his thigh, too.

How Jakaterine's life went on further - I didn't get a chance to hear.

Me and Jungkook continued with his little war of ours but as minutes passed - Jungkook's hand started going further up.

At some point, it reached way up my tight, near my private area.

I was about to tell him that we should stop because I was feeling a little uncomfortable and also, because we could get in trouble, when suddenly:

"Jeon Jungkook, please exit the classroom!"

The teacher was looking at us. Clearly angry. From her stare, I knew that there was no point in trying to argue.

But, Jungkook also wasn't about to give up so easily. He stood up:

"I have a question...Please tell me, did that imperator never go against her mother and just took those smacks across her face?"

I immediately understood what he was trying to do. He was trying to chat her up. Such tactic seemed to work on all teachers that were passionate about the subject that they were teaching.

Unfortunately for Jungkook, our history teacher didn't give up so easily. She saw through all of his tries to get her distracted:

"Jeon Jungkook, I told you to leave the classroom"

"Did she really just take it all? I don't believe that!"

"Jungkook, don't talk back!"

"I'm not talking back"

I just signed. You should never argue with a teacher. They don't like it when you talk back to them. The teacher wants to teach the class, not to answer stupid and annoying questions.

The circumstances showed that Jungkook wasn't going to win. He will have to leave the class. And then something incredible happened. Something unreal. Such a thing can happen only once in 100 years. I can safely assume that such a thing has never happened in our school's history before!

Teeth. Fake teeth. Dentures. They fell right out of the history teacher's mouth and landed on the front row's desk.

Thank God no one is sitting there!

The teacher's teeth! Could anything more shocking happen? This is the most shock you can experience!

The whole classroom was sitting in silence, not knowing how to act. No one was ready to see something like this.

Not even us (and we're ready for everything).

I sat frozen in place, forgetting my beard and my cuts on the chin. I forgot to keep my head down and I forgot the argument me and Jungkook had. I even forgot to get back at Jungkook for teasing me and putting his hand on my thigh.

The whole talk about Jakaterine II disappears too. She's gone. Left behind in her own time period.

And the teacher? She's not a teacher anymore. She acts like a wild animal. She snatched the dentures and ran out of the classroom, into the hallway.

She didn't come back into the classroom for the rest of the class.

Well, it seemed that things, which are a hundred times worse, happen to people than a growing beard or getting into fist fights.

A hundred years will pass and I won't be here anymore. No one will care about my growing beard or cuts on my chin, but people will probably still talk about the time a teacher's teeth fell out during a lesson.

I look up to Jungkook, just to find him already looking at me.

He smiles sweetly and I turn away, blushing.

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