1. Taehyung's Case

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I am Kim Taehyung, seventeen years old and I wish that I could be born again.


If you want to figure out a case, you have to see all facts written down on a piece of paper (or at least that's what my father says).

So that is why one day, a couple years ago, I took a piece of paper and wrote down: WHY AM I UNHAPPY?

In order to answer this question I had to think for quite some time, actually. There was only two reasons, both clear as day. So, that's what I wrote down:

Number 1: Looks.

Could you imagine needing glasses from the day you're born? And with a mom who doesn't understand how cruel teenagers are these days. A mom who has terrible taste in fashion and buys you only square shaped glasses (red ones for that matter).

No one else needs glasses in my class. Of course I am not saying that having glasses sucks but it sucks. Brown eyes, which are brought out thanks to the glasses, don't help either. In my opinion blue or green eyes are way prettier. It also seems like everyone else that has brown eyes simply looks amazing with them - just not me.

God really does have favourites, does't he?

No girls like me either.

Since when being a "nerd" wasn't cool anymore, and why didn't anyone tell me?

About the girl thing - I can't complain too much since I'm not into that female thing either, if you get me.

Number 2: My name.

If poor eye sight wasn't good enough, life decided to make me hate my name too. Of course my parents don't see a problem with it but that's just because they're my parents.

"You don't understand anything" my mom always tells me. "You should be proud of your name. It's your great-grandfather's name. Your great-grandfather was a respected and known man. He was..." she trails off, not quite finding the right words.

"I know, I know" I say, not wanting her to tell me a story that I perfectly know by now.

I know that my great-grandfather, also Kim Taehyung, was a very intelligent and a bright person. He was the only person in his town that had a pharmacy and sold medicine. He healed people, helped with whatever they needed and even wrote political articals in the newspapers. Shortly sumed up - a soul that didn’t find peace easily.

Everyone took him as a pure soul and bowed down to him, even from afar. There's even a street and a school named after him!

If that wasn't enough, my great-grandfather was also brave.

He saved and helped a couple of homeless kids. He also wrote a diary, which is now in a museum, as an exhibit. In that little book of his, he wrote about all the hardships those poor kids had to go through.

Going his nintey years of living he just simply died on his porch, under a cheery blossom. That happend on the day that I was born. My mom couldn't attend his funeral because she was at the hospital, giving birth to me. But she COULD name me after him, and that's excatly what she did.

So that's how things went on. I also became Kim Taehyung and I should be proud of my name. End of discusion.

With that - the list was finished. There was only facts in front of me and it didn't matter that there was only 2. I could look at them again and again but there would be no use. Life didn't become easier. I crumbled it up and threw it out.

What was I expecting?

With passing time I got used to the hatred I felt towards my name.

I can't change it, so might as well get used to it.

I accepted that but I wasn't going to give up on the glasses thing so easily.

I was thinking of wearing contact lenses but I was afraid of touching my eyeball so that was a hard no.

And one day, such strong feeling of despair took over me that I couldn't stand it. When no one was home, I went to the bathroom and locked myself inside.

With shaking hands I took off my glasses and reached for that one pack of contacts that my mom bought for me just in case I wanted to try it out but...fear ate me whole, without even chewing.

I'll admit to chocking on my own tears that night...

The second time that I tried something new out, was when I was just 15. I still remember walking into that beauty shop and denying the help I was offered. With shaky hands I walked up to the cash register and paid.

That time I was all flaming hot out of embarrassment.

I ran home and, once again, locked myself in the bathroom. My hands were shaking this time too.

I read the instructions on the back but my mind didn't calm down one bit. I read and read it, over and over again.

Finally I understood what to do and mixed up the bleach with the conditioner and then poured the mixture on my head.

After 30 minutes, I washed it out just like the box told me.

My hair wasn't black anymore...no, no...it was orange!

Well now I definitely look gay...

And then my mom came home and started complaining how I wasn't letting her wash her hands. That even that, was too much to ask for in this house.

When I opended up the door she just smiled sweetly at me and said:

Black suits you better.

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