10. Jakaterine II and teeth

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The whole world was falling apart.

Correction - the world has fallen apart many times before but now - it had fallen apart again.

A beard has started to grow on my precious, smooth face! My face was naturally hairless. Sure, puberty had hit me somewhere around the age of 13-14 and I had my fair share of acne, so the couple of pimples that appeared on my face - wasn't something new to me.

But a beard? That was something new and horrible. But the worst part was that the beard was as dark as my hair!

I got a couple of simple raizors to shave and that wasn't going very well. A couple of cuts appeared on my chin and blood would often pour out.

The aftershave lotion wasn't helping either. It would burn like hell after every shave and I'm not even going to start with the cuts.

At school I would walk around with my head down to hide the cuts on my chin. Even Jungkook decided to make fun of me for that!

"What's so interesting on the floor?"

"Why do you care?"

"Oh c'mon! Stand up straight and keep your head held high"

Then he started laughing and punching my shoulder, in a playful way.

Just you fucking wait!

Without wasting another second, I grabbed him by the shoulders. He just stood there and smiled. He kept motivating and encouraging me. His eyes were full of joy and happiness.

Full of life

He clearly wanted me to fight him, knowing damn well that I will lose.

Why would he want that?

"Fuck off" I said silently.

Right then and there Jungkook's eyes changed. They became darker and he even looked angry. The sparks in his eyes from before - disappeared.

"Do you always say that? As soon as anyone picks on you - you just say 'fuck off'?"

"I don't get into fights. It's childish"

"And I'm not saying that it's the most manliest thing ever. Who's telling you to get into a fight? I'm just asking you, can you even defend yourself? Have you ever tried?"

Then, Jungkook whistled.

"How long will you keep walking with your head down? Haven't you gotten tired from it? As soon as someone touches you, you start to whine?"

"Shut up, Jungkook"

"Look, Tae. I think that those hands were given to you not just for piano playing and essay writing. You do that perfectly but you don't know how to do anything else. It is how it is"

"You're asking for it!" I grilled my teeth.

"C'mon! C'mon!" Jungkook kept on saying. "C'mon, try it out at least once!"

But it was easy for him to talk. He's strong, muscular and everyone is amazed by him.

I looked down at my hands.

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