6. Yoongi's message

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When I was just a little boy, maybe 7 or 8, I remember one traumatizing event that happened in our city. I was too little to understand what was happening but I remember it clearly because my dad was a part of the investigation.

Back then, he was a young police man and that was his first investigation. No one even let him get warmed up to the job.

Not only did my parents talk about it at home, teachers were talking about at school too. Everyone in the city was talking about it.

It happened at the end of Spring, in May, I think. I remember it greatly, since every evening my dad came back home with shoes covered with mud from the river. He smelled like the ocean.

I remember thinking that he would spend the whole day under the dark, deep, black water.

After coming home he would undress to just his underwear and lock himself in the bathroom. He wouldn't come out for quite some time. He would just lay in the bath's warm water and relax.

When he didn't come to dinner, mom would usually go to the bathroom and check up on him.

His body looked lifeless and was just floating, like an buoy. His eyes - not moving like the ones of a fish - just looking at the bathroom's wall.

Then mom would just sigh and close the door. But one night, the same spring, I overheard their conversation:

"Sweetie, we can't go on like this...This isn't life..."

"It'll pass"

"It will not. You're not like yourself. Not like a human..."


"The kid is growing..."

"I told you to sleep. Everything will pass"

"You can't live with it. You have to forget. I don't know how, but you have to forget that Min case"

"Okay, okay. Sleep..."

Yes, it was the Min case but I have to tell you everything from the start.

In a remote area, about 15km from the city's center, lived the Min family. The family was like a simple farmer family. The father and mother worked around the house, in the garden, sowed various vegetables, grew animals. No one could point out anything strange.

They had three children: twins, a brother and a sister. And the oldest son - Yoongi. Min Yoongi was already finishing high school but planning on dropping out since school wasn't for him. Everyone said that he was a calm and a slow kid. He wasn't the type to talk much.

He liked being alone, work in his parents garden and fix cars. He never looked for trouble, never fought with anyone and didn't speak too much.

His parents trusted him since he was good at his job, with steady arms. But the most important thing was that Yoongi didn't like spending time around other people. He didn't like getting drunk or staying out late with friends.

So without any fear, the parents left him alone, with his siblings if they needed to go out of town for even more than a day. They knew that Yoongi would look after everything, feed the animals and his siblings. That he will do all the given jobs.

That day, the parents left for only half a day. It was a Saturday, so they planned on going to the market with all of their grown vegetables and later on - planned on going to the father's sister, to visit their god-daughter. Nothing unusual, right?

If the father drank just a sip, no one would be able to tell and then they'll be back home. Just half a day.

And everything was okay. The parents left early and Yoongi stayed with his siblings. He baked them pancakes, put some sugar in their tea and sat them down at the breakfast table.

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