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Hello dear reader! Have you ever heard of the Watchers? No? Well then what about the listeners? also no? Hmm well then maybe you have heard of Xelqua? What do you mean no? I supposed I I should tell you about all three. But first, you must know about the Evolution SMP, it was a peaceful server lead by Xelqua. But one day the watcher took notice of this server. They messed with the players making them do as they wished, it worked, well partially. The admin, Xelqua, didn't want to give in. He always opposed the watcher's rules. So the watchers made him one of them taking him away from his friends. The listeners who had at first just listened to what the watchers did not interfering with anything. Well, they were furious. They decided to help the evolutionists go against the watchers. It ended up in a war. The watchers against the listeners, the evolutionists stuck in between. In the end, only one remained, Xelqua. He shed tears over the loss of his friends. He left the server to create a home in the void. He took on his seconds name, Grian. He would return every year to his old server to pay respect to his friends. Well, there was still one party that did not get involved with all of this. The writers (Author here yes I know the writers don't actually exist but it's just part of the story) watched and listened and wrote down the events that took place. They spread the story about the Evolution server. It was a tale every admin knew. The server however was never found and since you could never trust a writer fully everyone believed it was just a tall tale. But of course, it wasn't and for a few years, it remained like this. Grian visiting the server every year, the tale was passed down with every generation of admins. But of course for this story to take place an event has to happen. Say dear reader have you heard of the ripple effect? It's when one event leads to another, and to another, and so on. It can also be known as the domino effect. Well, let me tell you about this event. It all started with an admin carrying the name of Xisuma.

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