(Season 1 Finale) Chapter 12 Home Is Where The Heart Is

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No one's POV

Currently, Elma is in the living room reading a book about being a better photographer and taking notes on it.

Elma: Oh. I see...So that's what he does to those shots...

Elma then looked out through the screen door and at the sky, as she could hear all the sounds from outside.

Elma: Hmm... I've thoroughly blended into this world...

Torhu who was cleaning just looked at Elma annoyed.

Torhu: I feel like you should unblend yourself and go home.

Elma didn't say anything back to Tohru, which surprised her, then looking down at the book she was reading with all the notes she took in it.

Torhu: You're trying that hard to be a better photographer for Nhazul?

Elma: Well, don't you try your hardest to be a good maid for Kobayashi?

Torhu: Of course! I love Miss Kobayashi, that's why I try my hardest! But why would you-

Tohru's eyes widened before she could finish her sentence.

Torhu: Wait...You don't...

Elma didn't say anything and started blushing and suddenly, the door opened to reveal Nhazul and Kobayashi walking in.

Kobayashi: We're home.

Torhu: Welcome back!

Nhazul walked in and sat down next to Elma on the couch and saw she was reading something.

Nhazul: Whatcha reading, Elma?

Elma then hid the book behind her blushing.

Elma: N-Nothing!

Elsewhere, high in the sky in two different locations, two portals began to open.


Currently, Nhazul and Elma had just finished a shoot together and Nhazul decided to stop by somewhere before they went home.

Elma: Nhazul? Where are we going?

Nhazul: Sorry, I know you're probably hungry, but just needed to pick something up. Wait, here for a second.

Nhazul then went ahead and entered a store, leaving Elma alone.

Elma's thoughts: I wonder what Nhazul had to pick up? He hadn't mentioned anything.

As Elma was waiting, she heard people talking on a TV and looked next to her, as she was standing next to a electronic store.

Women: Their life span is just so short!

Elma looks to her left. Televisions to be sold from an appliance store are broadcasting a science documentary.

Man: True, but take the house mouse. For example, it only lives for maybe a year to a year-and-a-half.

Women: Oh, so sad!

Man: Not at all, every living creature has its own perception of time. Applying human standards to them is a mistake.

Elma: ...

???: How long are you planning to continue this?

Elma's eyes widened as she heard the voice in her head as time appears to freeze around the area. A specter of Elma's dragon form appears behind the human Elma.

Elma: You're me...Aren't you...?


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