Chapter 11 New Year's

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No one's POV

Currently, everyone is at the shopping district due to the end of the year sell and Nhazul and Elma who was wearing her new scarf Nhazul gave her broke off from the others, walking around themselves, stopping at stand that was doing a "Candy Grab" which Elma wanted to do.

Nhazul: Elma, I'm not sure if you'll get much from this...

Elma: It's fine, Nhazul. I can do this...

Elma then closed her eyes, now focusing as she took deep breaths.

Nhazul: ...-_-...I don't think that's going to-

Elma's eyes then shot open as she reached her hand in the box pulling out a medium sized ball of candy, completely dumbfounding Nhazul as the kids around clapped.


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Nhazul: ...O-O...How the hell...?

Elma: Silly, Nhazul. You should never underestimate me.

After leaving the Candy Grab, Nhazul and Elma continued walking through the shopping district while Elma enjoyed the candy she won.

Nhazul: ...-_-...And you swear you didn't use magic?

Elma: I swear! That was all skill!

Nhazul: ...-_-...What type of sorcery...

???: Nhazul?

When Nhazul heard the voice, his eyes widened as Elma noticed this and he looked back to see a woman with brown hair and green eyes.

Nhazul: Meg

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Nhazul: Meg...?

Megan: It is you! It's been awhile, how have you been?

Nhazul: I uh, I've been good...

Elma just looked at the two of them confused and then her eyes widened as she put two and two together.

Nhazul: How have you been?

Megan: I've been good, been really busy with my new job...

Nhazul: That's good...So...How are things with you and your boyfriend?

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