"Naa Sakura..." I cut her in between.


"Are you really happy with your decision?" I asked her.

There was no answer. I understood. She took it just to get over me. That idiot.

"I knew it. Sakura, it was because of me, right?" I asked her.

Again, no answer.

"Good night Sakura! Answer me when you will have the actual answers to my questions." I said and cut the call.

I am being an idiot too.

Sakura's POV-

Sho's questions really surprised me. Why he would ask something like that when finally, I was trying to get over him?

I had messaged Ai telling her about today too. She had replied just one line.

Ai: Aisuru nara, chanto saigo made onaji hito wo aise! (If you love someone, then properly love that same person till the end)!

I know. I know it! Why everyone keeps on saying it!? I am doing my best to get over the fact that Sho and I can be nothing more than friends. He doesn't feel the same for me that I feel for him. I know it more than anyone else. Why can't they understand that this was the hardest decision for me to take? Well, I couldn't blame them for this.

I was wrong. I should have stopped myself from feeling too deeply. But now I am finally giving up. It's not like I hoped that he Sho would love me. I knew that. I knew that but, a little thread of hope was still in my heart. But now that thread is also broken. On that day when he told me that he didn't have any feelings for me. That day I threw away that little hope. I will try my best to be happy with Takuya.

After a few days-:

It's been a while since I visited Takuya's home. We had planned to make dinner together tonight. So, after work, we went to his home together.

"Ojamashimasu (Thank you for having me)!" I said as I entered his house.

He handed me a pair of slippers and went inside. I followed him after I wore the slippers. He put the bags he was holding on the kitchen counter.

"It's been a while since you came here Sakura!" he said as he took a seat on the sofa.

"Hai. But everything's the same. You really like to keep your house clean, right Takuya!" I chuckled as I sat beside him.

"I am not messy like you Sakura!" he laughed at me.

"Hai hai!" I frowned.

Suddenly, I felt like he was coming close to me. Before I could react, his lips had already touched mine. I shivered. It lasted for almost like 5 to 6 seconds. Not too long. He pulled back. I was shocked not knowing how to respond.

It's not like it was our first kiss. He had kissed me before. And both of the time I was just too shocked to respond. That time I didn't know that he loved me. But this time, our relationship is different. We are going to marry. He got up and went towards the kitchen.

"Sakura, let's prepare dinner." He called me.

"Ah, hai!" I broke my train of thoughts and went towards the kitchen.

In the next hour, we prepared dinner and set the table.

"Itadakimasu!" we both said before taking the dinner.

It was delicious. Takuya loves to cook and he is really good at cooking. I love the dishes he makes. While having dinner we mostly talked about work or any other things. I was trying to avoid talking about the kiss earlier.

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