Chapter 2 - Discover

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In the King's castle in his majesty's room, the shortened King lays asleep while a stranger watches him... Why am I even saying a stranger? It's obviously Killer! [I don't pay you to question things, Narrator!] You don't pay me at all.. [What was that?] Nothing!
Nightmare was suddenly awakened when someone got on top of him and rolled him over onto his back, the person on top of him pinned his hands on each side of his head, The room was dark so the short King had to blink a few times to adjust to the darkness that surrounded him, He then heard the person on top of him speak as black liquid dripped onto Nightmare's cheeks, "Where. Is. King. Nightmare?" The person snarled, The smaller realised it was Killer who was.... on top of him, A purple blush coloured his white skull, He then shook his head to keep serious, the blush became a slight purple hue on his cheeks as he spoke sternly, "I am Nightmare," Killer laughed before going back to giving the short King a serious stare while saying, "Real funny, But you look NOTHING like him, Nightmare is taller, has goop all over his body and has one cyan eye, Listen I admit you're cute but the Nightmare I know is hot and sexy," Nightmare's face was entirely purple, He didn't say anything, being too flustered to say anything, Killer looked at him in confusion, "Uh, Why are you blushing so much? Are you okay?" Nightmare then replied, "Fum hah muffs eheheheheeeee~" Killer stared at him in even more confusion, He then got off the bed and picked the smaller up bridal style, He walked over to the door, upon unlocking it he opened the door and carried the short flustered skeleton through the doors.

Dust was still struggling to get the huge cloak off of himself, Horror was laughing at him as he tried, Killer walked over while saying, "Hey, I caught the intruder but... I think I broke him," Horror looked over to the skeleton in Killer's arms before looking at Killer while asking, "Any idea on who he is?" Killer shook his head, "He says he's Nightmare when he obviously isn't," Dust poked his head out from under the cloak he was tangled in, "Maybe we should have Horror smell his blood, I mean Horror has smelt Boss' blood before.. right?" Horror nodded at Dust, Killer then put the shorter skeleton down, leaning him against the wall, He pulled out his knife while using his other hand to bring the pure white skeleton's (Who he realised was half naked, the only thing he wore was the King's underwear, which looked like shorts on the shorter skeleton, and an oversized hoodie) hand up, Killer sliced his knife along the other's palm, purple blood started to leak out, Nightmare shrieked pulling his injured hand away and close to his chest in a fist, he used his other hand to cup the wounded hand, He stared at the others in fear and anger, Killer brought the knife that was covers in purple blood towards Horror, Horror stared at the blood before taking the knife and saying, "It looks pretty similar to Boss' blood," Killer stared at him a bit frustrated, "Go on, get to smelling it then," Dust then chimed in, "Release your inner bitch!" Horror glared at Dust before saying, "Says the one who can't get out from under a non-complicated cloak," Horror laughed at Dust's angered expression before smelling the blood on the knife, Nightmare stared at Horror in both disgust and amazement, Horror can do that? This would have been a whole lot more useful when we were chasing the Star Sanses... Well at least they're gone now, He felt a slight guilt inside his soul, they had killed Dream and Ink, shouldn't he be happy now that his brother's gone? He won after all, Nightmare wiped the black liquid, that Killer had dripped onto him before, off on his cheeks with his good hand, .....Why does he miss Dream so much?.....



Yet another Cliffhanger! >:)

Anyway, This'll probably be the last cliffhanger I do soooooo yeah

Have a great day/night wherever you are in this HELL of a world! ^w^

If Nightmare turned into his passive form [Corrupted Multiverse edition]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum