Chapter One

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Wattpad reading time: 5 Minutes


2nd Person POV

Y/N sighed looking out the window of the airplane. You just wanted to sleep but the child behind you kept kicking your seat. Your social worker told you that your Uncle and Aunt would be waiting for you at the airport.

"The plane will be descending into London Gatwick in beautiful England, please buckle your seatbelt for our descent," the pilot says over the intercom. Y/N lets a slight smile slip through happy to be getting off the plane and to get away from the crying child. When you get off the plane with your carry-on, you stumbles through the crowds of people looking for the people from the picture your social worker gave you of your aunt and uncle.

"Y/N?" a brunette woman calls out. You look up from your phone and recognize the woman from the picture.

"You're my aunt?" you ask, approaching the woman who you assume is your aunt, her husband, and the two girls that stood with her.

"Yes, this is my husband, and two of our children three, Teagan and Lani. We have a son named Toby but he is busy right now," she says with a bright smile.

"Hi, Aunt Maria," Y/N mumbles back quietly. Lani tries to start talking to you but she is quickly shut down by her mother.

"Honey, remember that Y/N's had a long flight and she probably just wants to be left alone," you look down at the shorter woman, relief flooding your face. Your uncle takes one of your suitcases and you follow the happy family, you can't help but feel out of place.

You listen to the radio and the idle chatter of your cousins, you look out the window, the raindrops running down the glass, matching your mood.

"Y/N we're home!" Lani smiles, shaking your shoulder.

"Thanks," you respond, flashing a weak smile. You grab your stuff from the trunk, your uncle grabbing a bag.

"I'll show you your room, Y/N!" Lani says, running into the house out of the rain. Lani's energy is great but her energy is too much for you right now, you just want to mope. She leads you up the stairs and passes a couple of doors, down the hallway, she opens the door and reveals a smallish room, but it's still a bigger room than where you used to stay, so you weren't going to complain. "My room's just a couple of doors down so if you want to talk or hang out."

You nod and close the door behind her. You put in your headphones, open your suitcase, and start putting your clothes away. About a half-hour later you hear a knock on the door. "Come in," you say, taking out your headphones.

"Y/N, I'd just like to let you know that I didn't tell the kids what happened, all they know is that you're going to be staying here because your parents are unable to take care of you," Aunt Maria says, sitting down on her bed.

"Thanks, Aunt Maria," you nod.

"You can just call me Maria if you'd like," she smiles. You nod in response, she pulls you into a side hug. "We'll be eating dinner in about an hour."

"TOMMY NOOO!" A muffled yell comes from the wall in front of you.

"That's Toby, he's busy right now, I'll let him know to keep it down."

"No, don't worry about it, this is the first time I've actually heard him, so no worries," you respond quietly.

"If you ever want to talk about... them, let me know," she says, kissing your head.

"Thank you, Maria, I'm going to go back to unpacking," you say, she nods, gets up, and leaves you to finish unpacking. With a yawn, you lay down on your bed staring up at the ceiling. It didn't take long for you to be called to dinner. You begrudgingly get up and make your way downstairs, before you head down the stairs you hear Lani say, "why is she in such a bad mood?"

"Lani, there are some things you don't understand and for now you have to accept that," Maria said in a hushed tone. Knowing that they're probably done talking about you, you walk down the stairs there sat a boy, probably Toby, you hadn't seen before.

"Hi, Toby," you mumble, taking a seat.

"Hi, Y/N, I'm super excited to have you here! Wow! You're pretty tall, god why am I so short?" Toby pouts.

"Thanks, I guess," you mutter, taking a sip of water, you're 5'9 and you are three inches taller than the brunette (you're 69 inches tall lol, that's my height irl). He makes a weird face before he starts eating and chatting with his family. You feel out of place. "May I be excused, I finished," you ask, picking up your plate.

Your Uncle Arthur nods and you stand up, pushing in your chair. You walk over to the sink and put away your plate in the dishwasher. You head upstairs and lay down on your bed again. There's another knock and you sit up to see Toby walk in.

"Hi, Y/N/," he says, greeting you with a smile.

"Hi, Toby, what's up?"

"Well, I guess it's not my place but you seemed sad earlier," Toby says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm just working through things, ya know," you say, looking around the room, avoiding eye contact.

TW: Slight Panic Attack, Abusiveness

"Whenever I feel down, I play Minecraft and talk to friends, I don't know if that will help you, but if you ever want to try, let me know," Toby said he walked closer to give you a hug but when he raises his arm to hug you, you flinch. Your parents were awful, they were abusive and him raising his arms at you, it reminds you too much of your parents. You start breathing heavily, "hey are you ok?"

"Umm ya, please- I don't like hugs," you say, trying to calm down your breaths. "Ok, just let me know if you need anything," he responds with a wave as he leaves your room.

You sit trying to catch your breath and trying to think of the little bit of good memories you have.


[1,040 words]

I hope to post more soon lmk thoughts

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