Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Library

~~( time skip to morning)~~~

Today was your first school day at Hopes Peak. You had spent the last to days getting your bearings of the school and getting to know a few people. You slowly got out of bed yawned, stretched and began getting ready.

You brushed your hair and teeth, did your make up and put on the school uniform. The uniform itself want too bad, it was a brown blazer and skirt with a white shirt, a red tie and black knee high socks. You grabbed your books and shoved them in your backpack bringing one of the books Byakuya had given to you.

You left your dorm, locked the door and headed to the dining hall. You were greeted by Aoi, Sakura, Makoto, Kyoko, and Sayaka. You went to make some toast and went back over to the table where they were all sat down.

"Good morning Y/N! Did you sleep well?" Makoto asked

"I did thanks! You?" You replied

"Yeah, fine thanks!" He said smiling at you. You looked a little to his left to see an angry Kyoko glaring at you and you quickly realised why.

Ah, so she likes Makoto-

"Are you excited for the classes Y/N? What have you got first? I have maths..." Aoi said.

"Umm let me see... Hah! No way, me too!" You said relieved at the fact you're event going to be alone.

"Oh no, I've got English first..." Sayaka said a little disappointed.

"Really? Me too!" Makoto exclaimed.

"Yay! I won't be alone" she said smiling.

You finished eating your toast and as if on cue the bell rang.

"Catch up with you guys later!" Sayaka said heading to English with Makoto.

"See ya!" Aoi yelled back.

"Cmon Y/N! Let's go!" She said grabbing your arm and practically dragging you to maths. You didn't necessarily mind seeing as you didn't know the way.

When you got there you noticed the familiar face of Byakuya Togami. When you saw him your face turned red and you sat down in a random seat next to Aoi.

A few minutes later the teacher came in and began the lesson. Around 15 minutes in you began zoning out, you looked around and noticed that you'd sat behind Byakuya. "Yes!" You thought you yourself smiling a bit.

"Maybe this won't be too bad..." you thought.

~~~( time skip cos who wants to read about school)~~~

The day had come to an end and you had agreed to meet up with everyone again at the cafeteria. You decided to go back to your dorm and change clothes first.

You unlocked your dorm, quickly threw off your uniform, put on some jeans and a cropped top and headed back out again.

You got to the cafeteria and saw them all waiting for you.

"Hey Y/N! Where were you we all thought you forgot." Sayaka said

"S-sorry, I was getting changed" you said stretching your head.

"It's okay, we were just saying we should exchange phone numbers!" Sayaka replied.

"YES! Y/N give me your phone I want to put my number in your phone!" Aoi exclaimed taking my phone.

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