Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Gift From Byakuya?!

"Ah, Y/N right on time! Wouldn't expect that from a plebeian like you..."

"Yeah yeah what is it? Come to steal more books off me?" You replied back still annoyed.

He sighed and said "Did you even noticed the package?"

It instantly clicked. So that was from.... Byakuya?

"Y-yes, thank you..." you said shyly

"Tch, don't make me regret what I'm going to do." He replied coldly.

Your face instantly heated up thinking about the numerous possibilities he meant. However you shook them off because why would the Ultimate Affluent Progeny have feeling for you?

"When I saw you in the library reading something that complex I was quite taken back... so I decided to read the book myself and find some similar ones" He said this with a rather softer tone. It wasn't his usual harsh and cold tone it was almost like he was being... nice?

"B-Byakuya... that's so thoughtful, thankyou!" You said happily. That was when you realised you'd caught feeling for him. He wasn't the usual sassy, cold douche head but instead a nice, thoughtful boy. With the sudden realisation your face heated up and your heart began to beat fast.

"Come. These should keep you going for a few weeks..." he said pointing to a huge stack of books.

A FEW WEEKS? More like a few months!

"Hey um Byakuya?" You asked

"Hm?" He replied

"I um... this is gonna take me a bit longer than a few weeks to read..." you said sheepishly

"Oh yes, I forgot. You commoners don't have the reading ability of me" he said smirking smugly.

"Hmph" you said pouting.

"I suppose you didn't bring a bag with you... did you?" He asked smirking already knowing the answer.


He sighed and picked up a few books.

"I'll help you if you manage to read al of these in two months"

TWO MONTHS?! How... when...??? You knew that was definitely impossible but you couldn't be bothered making two trips from the library to your dorm to carry books so you agreed.

"Fine. I'll do it" You lied

He smiled back and walked out of the library and to your dorm.

~~(time skip to the dorm)~~

You unlocked your dorm and told Byakuya to put them on the table and you flipped down on your bed. He remained standing up.

"You can sit down you know?"

He nodded and sat down in a nearby chair and you sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Soo... would you like a drink?" You said breaking the silence.

"No thanks. I refuse to drink cheap commoner beverages" He said pushing up his glasses.

You poured and grabbed a glass of F/D and sat back down on your bed.

"So, hows your girlfriend?" You said

He looked somewhat confused by your question and made a face which says "What??"

".Toko...?" You said still oblivious.

He looked disgusted by this remark and let out an"Tch"

"You're suggesting that I share a relationship with that disgusting creature? She follows me around like she's some sort of pet and refers to me as master. Not to mention she stinks." He said disgusted

You had to admit, she did smell a bit. You were somewhat happy at the fact him and Toko weren't dating because that means there was a small chance of him liking yo-

No. What are you thinking Y/N?! There's no way in hell he likes you back, I guess this entire book situation is because I was reading a somewhat complex book and he was just impressed I guess.... However you hoped what you were saying wasn't true.

"So Y/N, tell me about yourself." He said resting his hand on his chin.

"About. Me?!" You said shocked.

"That's What I said isn't it?"

"R-right... well, I live in an average size house, I have a brother called B/N. Umm I like to Y/H (your hobbies) my favourite colour is F/C and that's about it really..."

He looked at you for a second taking in all the information and nodded.

"Well thank you for your time I will be going now. See you, Y/N" he said getting up and leaving.

"Thank you too! Goodbye Byakuya!" You said smiling

Once he left you sighed and flopped down on your bed once again. You sighed. You're so stupid, you've fallen for Byakuya Togami...

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