Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Forming Friends

Flooded with fury you headed back to your dorm and slammed your door. You decided to get changed into your pyjamas and go to sleep to try and calm down.

~~(time skip to morning)~~~

You woke up and checked the time. It was 8:00 am. Today was a Saturday so thankfully you had a chance to get your bearings of the school. You decided to go and explore with Aoi and Sakura. You knocked on both their doors and to your delight they both said yes!

You explored the second floor and decided to avoid the library this time seeing as you didn't want a repeat of yesterday. Just thinking about it made you visibly mad.

"Hey Y/N? Are you okay? You looked pretty disturbed just then." Sakura asked

"Oh yeah, it was just that stupid Togami yesterday. He forced me to give him this stupid book! Then his "pet" Toko got involved so I gave in and handed it to him."

Sakura and Aoi looked almost as annoyed as you were.

"How dare he does that to my friend!" Sakura shouted which frightened you.

"Yeah! You should let him walk over you Y/N! That guy is a complete jerk!"

"I agree, next time don't give him anything! Stand up for yourself!" Sakura told you.

You smiled and nodded.You all continued to explore the school and learnt that there were lots and I mean LOTS of places to visit. You figured there was too many to visit in one day so you suggested a dip in the pool. To this request Aoi was ecstatic.

"Hey I know! Let's get everyone to join us!" Aoi suggested.

Me and Sakura agreed and went and knocked on everyone's doors.

~~~(time skip)~~~~

So far you had convinced everyone but Chihiro and Byakuya. Well, you hadn't actually been to Byakuya's dorm but Chihiro just didn't want to go. Just as you thought you'd gotten away with not inviting Byakuya you heard Leon say "Hey, so erm. Where's Byakuya?" Toko then let out a shriek and stuttered "M-m-master Isn't h-h-here!!??!!" To which everyone was confused apart from me. "I-I'm going t-to get M-m-master!" She said running back to his dorm. God talk about clingy. Around 5 minutes later Toko came back surprisingly WITH Byakuya. You were disgusted by his presence and carried on walking to the pool.

~~~(time skip cos I'm not writing about changing)~~~~

You leave the changing rooms wearing a F/C swim suit. Then you got that same feeling you got at the library. You quickly glanced around and noticed that Byakuya was staring. What a pervet! You felt incredibly embarrassed and quickly got into the pool making sure to swim as far away as possible from him.

You ended up just messing around with Makoto, Sayaka, Leon and Kyoko. You were all having some sort of splashing contest. You got and then a sudden urge to look for Byakuya hit you, why would I want to look for that disgusting pervet? However despite that you began secretly looking for him. You scanned the pool only to realise he wasn't there. You looked around the sides of the pool too and noticed he had gone. Confused by his disappearance you decided to get back in the pool when-


You were pushed in the pool by Byakuya Togami. THATS WHY YOU COULDN'T FOND HIM! He was behind you. In shock of him pushing you in you grabbed hold of him dragging him in with you making his plan totally backfire on himself. Once you went underwater you inhaled SO much water. When you reached the surface you grabbed onto the nearest thing to you and started coughing your lungs up. After a minute of  d y i n g  you noticed what you were holding onto was Byakuya. You blushed and stared at him he was just staring back at you wide eyed. You quickly let go of him and yelled.

"What the hell was that for!?"

he let out a smug chuckle and said

"You were just stood there so I pushed you in"

You could've stayed annoyed at him it chose not to instead you decided to say

"Yeah well, your plan totally backfired anyways so hah!"

"Tch." He said turning his head away

You sniggered and swam off

~~~(time skip cos I'm lazy)~~~

You decided to get out and go to the bath house. You decided to offer all the other girls and they all said yes. (nothing weird yall) You all headed to the bathhouse and washed. When you were just about to get in you noticed a draft coming from the door. You turned around and saw ALL THE BOYS, including Byakuya, peeking through the crack in the door. You turn red immediately and scream wrapping a towel around you. The boys quickly ran out and closed the door.

You went up to the other girls highly embarrassed and told them what happened. They all had the same reaction as I did...Sakura and Aoi quickly got changed and stormed out of the bathhouse. I decided to actually get a bath then follow after.

~~~(time skip)~~~

You left the bath house still incredibly embarrassed and made your way to the dining hall where you saw all the boys being scolded by the majority of the girls.

Your face instantly turns red and you decided to go back to your dorm because you were too embarrassed.

Once you got back you noticed something at your door. A package? "I didn't order anything..." you thought to yourself taking the package inside. You noticed there was a note attached but you decided to open is the package first. To your disbelief you saw... "The book I was reading in the library?" You said out loud "Why is this here and also, why is it at the exact page I left it on?" You quickly brought your attention back to the little note that was attached the the packet. You unfolded it and it read "meet my at the library 10 pm sharp" you noticed that the person's handwriting was very neat. You checked your E-Handbook and realised you had 3 minutes to get there.

You raced out of you dorm, down the hallway, up the stairs and to the library. It was bang on 10pm when you stepped inside and you saw...

"Byakuya?" You said with curiosity.

He turned around and said

"Ah, Y/N. Right on time!" He said

Byakuya x Reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें