Chapter Two

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      Between that Friday and the next Wednesday Cameron's life followed its normal pattern. That Saturday her and the girls had met up for coffee. It was three hours of analysis over every single detail of Olivia's date with Michael - which went perfectly thank you so much - and discussion about the small barbecue that Michael had invited them all to on Sunday. The barbecue was fun. Relaxing even. There was an intimate group of people Cameron vaguely knew from high school who were all polite and accepting of the newcomers. Olivia spent most of the afternoon sitting beside Michael and holding his hand. Cameron lifted her phone discreetly to take a picture of them which Olivia later went crazy over, excited about the candid photograph and asking if it was too soon to post it on her social media. The four girls collectively decided, Cameron going along with the consensus, that it was acceptable to post as long as the caption was casual and other photos from the day were included. Michael was the first one to like it and left a comment saying how happy he was she had a good time at the barbecue.

Monday and Tuesday were spent studying for Cameron's single summer class she was taking. It was one of the only times that socio-economics had been offered that did not conflict with her usual school schedule. Given that it was a requirement for her business major she had chosen she decided it was best to just get it out of the way. Sacrificing six hours per week until the second week of August was something she could survive. Professor Graves was a difficult professor at the best of times, giving the class multiple assignments to be completed between lectures and insisting they log in to an online forum for a weekly discussion board. It would be worth it once she was done with this class though, Cameron decided, because it meant she only had her next fall semester left before she could transfer to a college upstate and finish her degree.

Wednesday morning rolled around slowly and Cameron thanked whatever higher power there was in her life that Professor Graves had told the class to come in an hour later than normal because he had a personal issue to deal with. She got dressed at a leisurely pace in a white peasant blouse with ruffled edges and bell sleeves, a pair of high-waisted blue jeans, and white Keds. The drive to Melody's house to pick her up was relaxing too. She listened to her favorite classic rock radio station at a low volume and hummed along with the windows rolled down. Once Melody entered the car she adjusted the radio and they were off. Melody's class wouldn't start for another half hour once Cameron's did, since her class was only an hour and a half long, but she was used to showing up early. Her and Cameron always drove to school together and while Cameron was in the first half of her class Melody would sit in the library to review her notes before going to poli-sci. As they were turning into the parking lot near the library Melody turned up the volume on a particularly bass beat heavy pop song. After rolling her eyes Cameron began singing along loudly beside Melody who was doing the same.

When Cameron pulled into a parking spot under the shadow of the library clock-tower she let out a low whistle. Melody raised her eyebrow but Cameron's eyes never left the car in the spot next to her. A brilliant candy apple red 1967 Ford Mustang sat there looking perfect with its white convertible top and white leather seats. Her dream car, right there in front of her eyes. Though Cameron had always dreamed of one in baby blue with tan interior, the car itself was quite the sight. Wordlessly, she exited her own car and went around the front of the car next to her. The paint shined in the bright June sun as if it had been freshly washed and waxed. She wanted to reach out a hand to touch the hood but resisted, instead looking around to see if the owner was still around.

"Any reason you're about to grope my car, babe?" asked a voice from behind her. The voice made her bristle. Of course it was his car. She could never catch a break when it came to him. Crossing her arms and tucking her now balled up fists to her sides she turned to face Jamy with what she hoped was an unfeeling look on her face.

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