"Why didn't you just act like the part and cancel it off?" Irene takes my hand and held it close to her cheek. Her eyes swim with a soft glow. "Because I want you to be with my side." 

I tilted my head in confusion, "I'm just an offering Irene, I am just another soul under your disposal." She shakes her head. "No, you're not just a soul under my disposal." 

This only confuses my further, "What does that entail?" She steps closer, the light of the sun emphasizing the color of her eyes, they're like melted chocolate. She inhaled sharply.

"You're my vessel," She exhaled. "And it ties us both here on earth and on the underworld."

"I'm-what?" I ask with an incredulous voice. "Ties us both?" 

"Vixen," She tucks the strand of my hair. "I- uhm......I don't know how to say this but." She leans her body even closer to me. "You're my-"

My phone rang, Irene and immediately close her mouth and look at the device with frustration. I give her an apologetic smile and take the call, not before kissing Irene's cheek. She only sighs and nods in understanding.

"Hello?" I take the call. "Who's in the line?" 

"Secretary Hwang." Ms. Kim's voice resonated from the other line. "Keep the line, I need to discuss some things with you." 

"Of course Ms. Kim." I give Irene a raised brow as she lets me talk to my boss. 

"Now, come downstairs, we have a minor hiccup." She states. I signaled Irene who's hands are behind her back that I'll go down to help my boss. 

"You want my help?" She whispered. 

"No need," I smile, "It's just probably something about the documents." I countered. She grins and whispers. "Good luck!"

"Ms. Hwang?" She clicked her tongue. "Are you still there?"

"Yes!" I answered and rush to the stairs. "Coming." 

Once I reach the ground floor, the area is eerily quite. The room that was once bustling with people, is now deserted. "Ms. Kim!" I call out, ignoring the uncomfortable twinge in my stomach. 

"Ms. Kim!" I call again. "Here in the conference room!" She answers. 

Huh, weird...

"Alright, I'm coming." The deafening silence made me alert on anything that's unusual, which is what is happening right now. I enter the room and my jaw fell on the floor, the same stranger who asked for the mart was in the room, holding what seems to be Ms. Kim's phone.

He grinned, "Finally." His voice matches the tone of my boss, my body froze, and my voice was stuck on my throat, unable to speak as he places the phone down. My eyes hurriedly look around the room, finding Ms. Kim who sat on the couch unconscious.

My legs move on their own as I rush to her side. "What-what did you do to my boss!" I ask with a shaky voice, he chuckled and placed the phone down on the glass table. "Just wanted to borrow her voice, plus you'll be fulfilling a great role." 


"What the hell are you talking about?" I say through gritted teeth while checking her pulse. She's still alive, I try to take my phone but some unknown force threw it away, it crashed somewhere behind him. 

"Now I wouldn't do that if I were you." He clicked his tongue, and sat down on one of the couches. 

C'mon Y/N, think! We can't scream, not when he just magically threw my phone, imagine what would happen to my vocal chords when I scream. I think he would rip it off my throat. I glowered  at him and he only chuckles.

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