Memory 4: The Demon Lord-Dragon...

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As the Phantom Thieves and the two Riders tried to enter the central point of the Jail, they couldn't open and enter, due to a strong force that keeps locking the door. No matter what they did, the door was still locked, until they noticed a giant birdcage that is next to a tall building...

Rider: "A birdcage?"

Gaia: "Well, this is quite odd..."

Accel: "You tell me, but it looks like we need to find a key, considering that there is a giant lock..."

He said as he pointed to and directly at the giant lock beside the giant birdcage...

Joker: "Seem's like we need to beat the Lock Keeper of this Area."

Rider: "Lock Keeper?"

Gaia: "That would make sense, but how do we find this Lock Keeper exactly...?"

Kasumi: "We need to find a location that has a personal meaning to him, a place connected to a past trauma..."

Gaia: "I see..."

He said as he soon accessed the Gaia Library and tried to narrow down a few places to check...

Gaia soon continued and told everyone what he found...

Joker: "Well, that was quick..."

Skull: "Those are a lot."

Panther: "Where do we start...?"

Queen: "Could Zenkichi help us?"

Noir: "That could work..!"

Fox: "It seems that we need to contact some assistance much like our battle with Alice previously."

Morgana: "Right! Let's go back and contact Zenkichi."

The Cat-like being stated as they all nodded and returned back to the real world...

As soon as everyone returned and noticed their normal clothes, Shotaro, Terui, and Phillip observed and did a headcount, though they didn't see one member in particular.


Shotaro: "Hey, where's Mona?"

Ren: "What do you mean? He's here with the rest of us..."

The Protagonist said as everyone heard an intruding Meow that actually said "Guys!"...

Unfortunately, for their feline friend, the three didn't hear what he said as they continued to talk with the others...

Terui: "That can't be right, everyone is here but Mona..."

Ryuji: "Oh? OH! OH!"

The Runner of the group said as everyone else looked at him in confusion...

Ryuji: "Oh right... we didn't tell you..."

He said causing the other Phantom Thieves to realize what he meant as they soon held in chuckles...

Shotaro: "What didn't you tell us?"

Ryuji: "Mona is that cat right there..."

He said as he pointed at the cat right in front of them!

Haru: "Though we call him Morgana whenever we return from the Metaverse

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Haru: "Though we call him Morgana whenever we return from the Metaverse..."

She said as Morgana meowed once more.

Morgana: "Meow! Meow! Meow, Meow~Meow~Meow (Guys! I'm right here!)"

The cat said as its meows suddenly turn into words which shocked the three investigators...

Terui and Shotaro: "EHHHHH!?"

Phillip: "How fascinating..."

He said as he soon carried Morgana in his arms and petted him which resulted in protests from their furry comrade before Morgana relaxed and purred while asking for more...

Shotaro and Terui still looked shocked but were snapped out of their stupor as they noticed everyone walking.

The two then followed the others as Shotaro quickly try and ask the local populace before giving up since almost everyone in Sendai is simping for Ango Natusme's signature for the book signing...

Terui tried to pull up some info but no luck, like the Paranormal Division doesn't have enough authority and evidence to get personal info on the famous writer...

The group tried to contact Zenkichi to no avail, as he was preoccupied with something else, but when they were thinking about where Ango Natsume's Lock Keeper could be, they suddenly remembered a flashback from the Jail!

They remembered that when they defeated the last Heavenly King and checked the last tower...

They remembered something about "Gatoule Coffee" which Haru immediately recognizes as a chain cafe, though she also says that it does not have a lot of stores in Sendai as Sophie quickly comments that there is only one Gatoule Coffee cafe in Sendai station!

Everyone then prepared themselves as Futaba looks up the coordinates with everyone walking through the station to find the cafe...

Chapter Ends...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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