Chapter 09

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~Later that day in the middle of the night ~

Sonic P.O.V:

The time pass fast that I didn't notice what time was it, I look at my window and sit back on my chair feeling sort of a blanket on my shoulder, it was pretty chill tonight, I grab it and went back inside of my house finding everyone asleep I went to the bathroom watching my reflection on the mirror, my eyes were still red and puffy, my throat was dry as my back still hurt me from yesterday.

I feel my stomach gurgling so I went to the kitchen finding Shadow's bouquet on the table with a small message, more like a little simple poem and a Valentine with, there's also the drawing of my twin siblings of all of us and a box of chocolates from Tails, I feel so horrible now they prepare something for me and I ruined the Valentine day, I'm such horrible personal I wish I could do something for them, but what?

I look to the oven and fridge and find that they some food from the dinner aside for me, I grab the rest and heat it in the microwave before eating it, after this short dinner I went back to my finding him sleeping, I slowly and carefully entre and bend down under the bed and take out my box, as I stand up I saw a little plushie of a polar bear holding a hear on my bed, I wonder where it came from? I look at my nightstand and found a black box and once I open it I was surprise of what was inside, a beautiful silver bracelet with a emerald, did he really buy it for me ? But I don't deserve that at all, in the same time I really wanted to keep it, I never had something beautiful like that .

I thought for quite of seconds and take them with me in the living room, I take the VHS out of the box and put it on the TV. The VSH tape were all the rest of our happy family memories that left, my first racing competition, vacation on most beautiful places on the whole planet, the day we announce Tails the acceptation of the adoption and more unforgettable memories but the one i keep watching it over and over are the recording with mom, i miss her so much.

More i watch it and more i cry quietly and hold the polar plushie close to me, mom i miss you so much, as I keep watching the TV i felt someone watching me for quite a moment i didn't care i just rest my heard on the plushie crying quietly then i heard Shadow whispering my name, i felt him sitting close to me, he was sure looking at the TV showing my first step as mom hold me closer to her once i reach her.

He say ask me if I was okay before saying some nice compliment of my mom and asking more questions, i didn't really answer then i feel his hand caressing my back, it feel so nice.

Shadow: " Sonic, is everything alright? * Keep caressing his back*"

Sonic: " *left his head up of the plushie* I'm fine, I'm just *hold his tears but suddenly cry again* ....I'm sorry i ruined the Valentine's Day, you all work hard for me and ruined it "

Shadow: " * hold him close to his chest fur resting him on his laps and caressing his quills* don't worry about that, non of this is important now, what important it your well being *wipe his tears*"

Sonic:" * sniff* all what happening here is my fault!,* Cry quitely again* If only heard my dad, non of this will happen *cry more* if only I didn't go to this damn Party, my siblings wouldn't be here, dad wouldn't be in prison and mom will be still alive"

Shadow: " * look at him confused still caressing his quills* what this party have to do with all this?"

Sonic: " * look at him and wipe his tears quickly* it's No-nothing just forget what I say * look away*"

Shadow: " * hold his chin and make him look at him* Sonic, you can't hold this heavy secret for so long, you manage to keep it to yourself for so long you'll crack soon or Later, let it out"

Sonic: " * blush and look away* i-i don't want to"

Shadow: " Sonic I won't judge you, i want to help you in anyway i can* cup his cheek and make him look at him wipe his tears Again*"

Sonic: * blush and sigh defeat*  fine I'll tell you, ...

it all start it when I was 17..."

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