Chapter 02

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~Some Hours Later~

Sonic P.O.V:

Finally free from those journalists, I immediately grab my stuff and start running out of here it's took me only few minutes to arrive to a my house, well what look like house, it just small abandoned home we find and with the money that save and collect over the years I managed to restore it not completely but at least it perfect to survive the cold winter, as I walk there my two neighborhood Knuckles and rouge, they're couple and there is AmyRose, my stalker neighbor, both of them congrats me and encourage me after seeing me on the TV, using some fancy words can totally change mind of people.

As I enter a was greed by a warm and lovely hug of my adoptive deaf little brother Tails who'll tomorrow turn to 15 years and my baby twin siblings Manic and Sonia 6 years old, damn I feel horrible now I'm sure they saw me in the TV they must be really disappointed, that what I thought, Tails told me that he saw me and found what I said touch him so much, I only say the truth

Both of my twin siblings keep jumping around me excited that I pass on the TV, if only it was for a good reason I'll be proud, I managed to keep the Frozen Chicken and went preparing the dinner, roasted chicken with roasted vegetables and mash potatoes, think it a well heathy dinner, as I was cooking Tails sit on the Table finning his homework and the twin jump from a couch to another playing pirate games or something like that.

~After The Dinner ~

Damn they must very hungry they even were close to eat the bones of the chicken, I saw both of my siblings closing their eyes sign that they are feeling sleepy so I took them to the bathroom pretty quick and put the on their pajamas and on them their bed, well my bed we only have two room one for me and the other for Tails, as I always I tell them a story as Tails enter on his pyjamas telling with the sign that he already finish cleaning the kitchen and the dishes, what can I do without him, I tell him to join us as I finish telling them the story they all fall asleep, I maybe don't have the glory but I have something the even the money can't buy,

A Family

~The Next Morning Day~

Silver P.O.V:

I can't believe what mister just ask me to do, I mean I get he want someone on his side but money can't everything, I feel really embarrassed as I stop the car toward this Sonic house, well for a poor guy his house isn't that bad as I walk there some "neighborhood" looking at me in a weird way, I'm not only embarrassed of the mister's task but I also feel uncomfortable with those big eyes on me and angry glare on me they probably saw the G.U.N Logo on my arm.

I ring the bell and wait in front of the door with a blurry window on it, I heard laugh of kids and probably Mr. Sonic playing and laughing with every warm moment in a family, just few seconds a golden look at behind the blurry window and walk away, weird he didn't give a second to talk but then Mr. Sonic come still the door close.

Silver: " morning sir, I'm really that come in this early time but are Mr. Sonic The Hedgehog?"

Sonic: "......Maybe...."

Silver: " can I enter ?"

Sonic: " no and Who are you anyway? * cold tone*"

Silver: " oh sorry where my manner, I'm Silver the Hedgehog, I'm Mr. Shadow The Hedgehog's Butler"

Sonic: " .... you what !! * froze*"

Silver: " well my boss have an offer to make with you."

Sonic: " a what !?... your boss * confuse tone*"

Silver: " an offer that could that might possibly help you"

It took him few seconds to think and accept, after saying good bye to his family I take him to the car and drive to my Boss's home, hopefully it will work.

Shadow P.O.V:

I wait in front my room's window and watch Mr.Sonic coming in my villa completely shock as he look around him and enter straight to the living room still looking around I suppose, I went down and saw him with his old and trim clothes, he was wearing a Yellow shirt with a light blue Jean, red and white shoes and a green bandanna.

He sit on the couch still wonder, I entre wearing my best costume I have, once he saw me he froze and sort of his face turn red, I wonder why? I hope his not sick or something, we introduce ourself and then before I told him about my offer I told him a little about my life so he could probably understand you situation.

I've been in many wars, I lose a lot of people important to me, I went serval time in a hospital for many dangerous injuries p, I'm not allowed to go for the fight or anything so I make my own Company that grow over the years and now I own my factories of defense and security system, weapon etc...around the world, well I don't even need to work since the money is literally rain above my head.

He was surprise of my story now I guess that's the right moment to tell him about my offer, hopefully he'll accept it

Shadow: " so now we.... sort of know each other so... "

Sonic: " sooo.....!? * look at him confused*

Shadow: " so... well with all what happen in my life I never get a chance either the time to.... start a family, like you said about the family things and I...I want to... try it"

Sonic: " Try it!!! * shock tone with a quite voice* what do you mean by try it ??, like try out a family? * get more confused*"

Shadow: " well that the offer part, i'll pay all the debts and one years wage. I'll ensure that the state doesn't take your siblings away. And in exchange.... well .... you let me be a part of your family. * look at him with a little worry but stay formal position*"

He slowly stand up and repeat the last thing i just said as a question and I only answer him with quick yes and nod, he look at me then to Silver completely  shock. I guess that mean


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