Chapter 07

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~At The Dinner Time At Sonic House~

Shadow P.O.V:

The dinner was pretty calm, the twin was talking and laughing about their day and the Fox too still Ignoring me, it'll take sometime to gain his trust, it probably because all the hearts broken that Sonic went to over the years that he don't trust me and maybe believe that no one will be good for him, I can see how much he love his brother, and I really respect that.

Anyway, Sonic say that he might find a new job and he have to go this night, I don't really like that, I kinda have a bad feeling about this but I can't really do something, he also say that we are invited on a picnic in the next week end to celebrate something relate to his friend, they all cheer up hearing the news.

After the dinner they all wash their dishes and went to the bathroom, I went to the bedroom after washing mine and I saw Sonic wearing something like a dark red crop top with a black bomber jacket with a very slim black pants and black bootie, he even wear a very light make up and a thin silver necklace and silver earring on his left ear, I was surprise to see him like that and also my face heat up just by looking at him, but I also notice something different on his right leg, something doesn't look right.

Before I say anything he walk toward me and ask me to help him with the necklace, I felt so weird as i put it around his neck, I don't how to describe it, it's just weird but I'm not sure if it's good or bad, after that he grab plastic bag and put it on his jacket pocket, I grab his arm before he left the room.

Shadow: " where are you going like that ?, it's pass midnights !* release him*"

Sonic: " I have a meeting and a date with someone * rub his arm where Shadow grab it*"

Shadow: " at this time!? And a date ? I though you said that those love story are  over? * look at him confuse*"

Sonic: " yeah for love stories and no for the sex, beside I need this job and here in this level of society, your body is your only ticket to get what you want, well will you excuse me I have a date with my new boss * check his* welp I better go now, I don't want to be late "

He give a light kiss on my cheek and tell to watch out the kids before he left the house, I don't really like that and I can't believe that there's still people doing this just to get a job, poor Sonic, as I went to see the kids the twin came to Sonic room saying that they had a nightmare and they want me to stay with them, i hold both of them on my arms and take them to their room and told them a story until they fall asleep.

~Two Hours Later~

It's now 2h45 Am and Sonic didn't came back, I couldn't sleep at all just thinking about what he's doing with a strange, buying your body to get a job it's really awful, the worst it's they're forced to do it, I wonder how many times did he do that ?, as I was reading the sign language book waiting for him to come back I decide to call him just to be sure he's ok but he didn't answer.

I look at the window still calling him until I saw a figure coming toward Sonic House, it's under the light showing Sonic hardly walking, like he lose his balance in every step he take, he's completely drunk, I went to the entry and open the door as I catch him before he fall, I pick him up in the bride style, I can smell the alcohol and another weird smell, he was so drunk that he fall asleep instantly after I hold him.

Going back to... our room, I quickly change him to his pyjamas trying my best to not look too much at his body, and put him on the bed covering him with the blanket as I also did, I keep looking at him asking a lot of question but He start talking on his sleep, he say my name with a really sweet voice and chuckles as he was trying to grab something, I suddenly blush as he grad my hand and smile, was he dreaming about me ?, I look at our hands still blushing and as I try to remove it but he hold it back and weakly squeeze it, i look at it again and did the same thing and smile slowly falling asleep enjoying this sweet feeling.

Is this how it feel love ?

~The Next Morning~

Tails P.O.V:

After I finish showering and wearing my new clothes I went to the kitchen finding Shadow with the twin feeding them their breakfast and Sonic baking pancakes, it's the first that they don't fight and I never seen My big bro happy like that, he was never like that not even with his old boyfriends/girlfriends.

As I sit Sonic join us and Shadow ask me how was I in the sigh language, I was surprise that I didn't know what to do even Sonic was, he say that he been reading and learning from some books, that the first time that someone  did that, I guess that Shadow isn't that bad that he look like, I should maybe give him a chance but I'll still keep a eyes on him in case he hurt him or us.

Once finished we put our dishes on the sink and get ready, Shadow help Sonic to wear his jacket as my big bro give him a quick kiss on his lips, Since Espio is busy today, He'll take me and Charmy to our school and Shadow will take the twin, look like the today it's gonna be a great day

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