Chapter Nine: "Merlin."

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Ban stood in pure shock, he looks more confused than angry. Meliodas and Howzer laugh hysterically while Little Gil stood behind me with a hand on my shoulder holding me back. "What do you mean? Why does it matter if I love her or not? It's not like you love me." he shouts, I take a breath before taking a step closer to him. "Well, maybe I do." I state. Continuing to ignore him and serve drinks.

Eventually I close the bar, helping my drunken friends to their rooms to rest. Merlin is the most difficult, she's a very aggressive and emotional drunk similar to King and Elizabeth just without the aggression. I try to carry her to her room but she refuses to even let me touch her, when I do she'll start to shout and punch but I manage to get into bed to tuck her in. "Merlin." I whisper. "You're in love with Ban!" she whispers harshly. She starts to giggle and boop me on the nose, as she lays in her bed. I help her change into her pajamas as she normally would, she wouldn't like it if I had left her in her daily attire as she slept. "No, I'm not." I simply state. Even if I am, I wouldn't want anyone to know about my feelings towards my best friend. They're not appropriate to have. "Your curse will be broken soon, I can feel it." she whispers with a smirk before falling asleep mid shirt removal. 

I walk past everyone's rooms to make sure they're all ok, when they're all finally sound asleep I walk back down to the bar. I'm not one to get drunk or to even remotely get close to being drunk but this situation calls for some drinks. I have a battle scheduled at dawn with Jericho, I revealed my feelings for Ban in front of a bar full of friends and acquaintances, and I even got harassed from a party that was intended to be a birthday celebration for Ban and I's date of birth. A drink is needed.

I pour myself some ale before realizing that that isn't enough so I grab the entire container of drink from it, but the ale does nothing not even a little buzz. I haven't been drunk in a long time, this calls for much more ale.

After awhile, I finally feel something. A bit of a buzz going after drinking the entire tavern's supply of alcohol. I rest my head against the cool bar counter without a thought in my mind. I try so hard to not think about a certain something but it keeps passing through my mind like a shooting star. Ban. He didn't confirm or deny my outburst about him loving Jericho but instead avoided the subject all together. Did he love her? They do have history, but history I wasn't here for yet and Ban isn't the type use details rather he somes everything up, he gives short and quick answers to avoid conversations he doesn't want to have. It bothers me, that I can't stop thinking about Ban nowadays, I hate to admit it but this a sign of romance according to Diane, Elizabeth and Meliodas. I don't like the thought of ever loving Ban other than a platonic way if this is what happens to me when I do. 

"I've never seen you drunk before. You must be really frustrated or something." I hear a voice croak. I slightly turn my body and look to find Merlin, out of her bed and slowly coming towards me. "I thought you were asleep?" I groan, turning back to the bar and keeping my cheek pressed against the cool polished wood of the tavern counter. "I was, but I'm not drunk for long either. Tell me. What is bothering you?" Merlin suggests. I raise a brow at her, "Well we aren't getting rid of your curse any other way so might as well talk about it since it's bothering you." She's right it is bothering me. If I had never been so naive and delirious, none of this would had ever happened. Maybe if I wasn't such a brat in the past and was actually appreciative, I wouldn't had fought in the Holy War, lost Elizabeth and Meliodas, got heartbroken, got cursed, got tortured, and now came to Meliodas for help. All this is my fault. I can't be mad at anyone but myself for my foolish and childish manner.

My head starts to fill with memories of just Ban and I, memories only we shared. All the times we would go for a walk in the town village, or go on an adventure, or fight some mystical being. All the moments we shared a laugh together, well rather, all the times he'd laugh and I'd watch. Everyone moment we'd ever shared floods my mind like a tsunami wave. Ban. Ban. Ban. All I think about is him. "I think I'm in love with Ban. I can't stop thinking of him, I can't go a moment without thinking about how he makes me feel. My mind if strictly reserved for Ban and Ban alone, I don't want anyone near or around him that is a female I don't know or even Jericho. I don't like the thought of him loving another being but me. I get these weird feelings when he's around called butterflies in my stomach. Is that normal?" I ramble on about my feelings to Merlin, she listens, actually listens and nods. When I stop she speaks, almost realizing something. 

I can feel her thinking about it before saying it, almost debating whether it should be said. "What is the matter?" I squish my face harder against the wood counter. "It seems to me, you are indeed in love with Ban. You wouldn't say such things if you truly didn't feel this way, you're just as stubborn as your brother." She gives me a warm smile and I try my hardest to return it with grace, it doesn't work but at least I tried. "I guess your curse is a bit more complex than that, you said you have to fall in love, clearly you are but it'snot broken yet which means-"

"He has to return my feelings..." I hadn't known that bit, for him to love me back I have to confess my love for my best friend who so clearly doesn't feel the same way. I can't- I won't do that. I'm not wasting my time by confessing to someone who doesn't desire me the way I desire them. I'll just be hurt again, I haven't loved anyone since that day this happened to me. I won't be hurt again. I'd rather look like this forever, the longer I have this curse the longer I live and that's fine by me.

Nothing I do will help myself, everything I have tried just leaves me more and more angry and frustrated. Why can't I do anything right? Why can't I even love right? I chose the one person who doesn't love me. I truly do deserve this curse on me. "Y/n. You're thinking too hard on this. It's written all over your face, just stop for a moment and worry of yourself. You take care of others no matter how emotionless you are you worry for others more than you do yourself and by doing that this curse will never disappear. You need to learn to love yourself no matter what you look like." Merlin gently places a hand on my back, rubbing small circles along my spine. I'm now fully sober. I can think a bit more straightly about this situation. 

Merlin's words however, 'You need to learn to love yourself no matter what you look like'. I do...I don't. If love the way I look, I don't think I would worry much of this curse but it's impossible to love how I look now and know how I used to look. It's easy for Merlin to say because she's absolutely beautiful and full perfection, she doesn't know what I use to look like but if she did I think she would want me to break this curse. Maybe even Ban would thin that too. How does one love themselves? How could I love myself? There isn't really much to love. 

"Stop. I see that look on your face, your doubting yourself. You are not ugly, you are what people think is ugly but you are you Y/n. Being you is the best thing you can be, a sin is pretty cool, even being a demon even the Demon King's daughter and Meliodas's little sister but being you is way better than any of that." I want to believe her words, I truly do but how? How do I do that? How do I achieve this impossible goal to love myself? "You just need practice," Merlin whispers before she stands up and walks back to her room. I know she's gone but I can still feel someone here with me, it's probably just the alcohol or something. Everyone is asleep.

I walk upstairs too but not to my room, to the roof. I need some air and it's a bit stuffy in the bar. I stumble up to see Ban and King talking, I don't want to bother them until I hear my name being said. "I don't know King, I said I don't love Y/n but I do. It's different than with Elaine but Y/n doesn't love me back anyways so there's no point in talking about it." Ban states. King floats comfortably next to Ban, they both sit in silence. "Don't hurt her. She is the Captain's little sister. If you hurt her, Meliodas will find a way to kill you Ban, he doesn't go easy when it comes to his girls. You saw what happened when she talked about her past lover who betrayed her, if you end up hurting her too who knows what she'll do." King softly says. I take in a deep breath before turning to leave but Ban finally speaks up. "I love her, with all my heart I love her. She's different, I don't care for her beauty or how she looked before this I love her a lot. No matter how heartless Y/n is." Ban sighs, I can tell it's been weighting on him for awhile by the way he said it. 

"I really like her, I want her to stick around. She is indeed different. Y/n, I don't want her to leave us in anyway, Ban." King whispers. Ban agrees, swearing to protect with with everything he's got. 

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