Chapter Five: "Escanor."

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I can't stop, I don't want to. I've held my emotions in for so long that I couldn't help but finally let them all out. Elizabeth cries for me to stop, but the whole world is silent other than my rage. Meliodas just let me hit him, slumped against a tree, letting me take all my hatred and bitterness out on him. He didn't even block or hit me back, Meliodas took my punches to his face like they were nothing. It enrages me even more, he thinks my punches are weak? I'll show him how strong I am, I'll show him my will and determination. 

Ban finally pulls me off of Meliodas, I kick and fight Ban to let me go but he doesn't. Calmly picking me up like I'm nothing and brings me away from everyone. "What the hell was that?" Ban asks, kneeling down to me. I stare into his maroon half lit eyes, I take a deep breath. I can't be mad at him, or even be enraged in Ban's general direction because he makes me feel this certain way that I've been feeling since my first day here. "What was what?" crossing my arms over my chest bitterly. I look down at his lips, then flicker back at his eyes. Ban notices me action and does the same, he slowly leans into me and I can't help but lean in too.

Before I knew it, I kick his crotch and run back to Meliodas, picking up where I left off. Punching him over and over again while everyone is distracted. "I hate you! You think I'm weak and stupid! I'm not, you're forgetting that I can be even more destructive than you'll ever know!" I shout, grabbing everyone's attention again. Escanor, in his day form, pulls me off Meliodas the same way Ban had.  

Instead, Escanor doesn't let me go. He keeps me close to his chest in his huge arms like it's nothing. Ban finally stands up after being on the ground for sometime and starts shouting at me. I know he's mad because I am too, I shouldn't have done what I did to Ban but I just wanted to get my anger out after thousands of years. 

"You little shit! I've only been helping you and this is what I get?! What the hell is wrong with you Y/n. I don't agree with The Captain but also don't agree with you! Can't you just put this to rest?" Ban shouts at me, I can't help but stop fighting Escanor. Ban's right, he's been so kind to me. He's my best friend, I love him and you don't do this to the people you love. I'd never imagine doing this to Diane or King or Elizabeth or anyone in that matter. Ban's been so selfless helping me find love and get my emotions back, he doesn't have to do this but he is out of the kindness in his heart.

"I'm sorry." I murmur with my head down, too ashamed to even look him in the eyes. "I'm so sorry." I cry, tears streaming down my face. Everyone's silent, Meliodas got up and caresses my cheek. 

Escanor looses his tight grip on me, I run. As far as I can not looking as to where I'm going but I just run. I cover my face with the inside of my elbow, I can't let someone see my hideous state right now. 

Ban shouts after me and so does Elizabeth but were instantly silenced. I know it was big brother telling them I'd be fine, but I'm not. I just want to see big brother comforting smile, or be held in Elizabeth's reassuring arms for an embrace or just hear Ban's voice and be in his proximity. I just want King's late night flying over the mountains a view I'll never be tired of, or Diane and I's late night talks about everything and getting distracted, or get advise from the wise Escanor about love and his love for Merlin, or just helping Merlin with her experiments, and even be educated by Gowther. I just want to be with the people I love but right now I can't because I'm a coward, a cowardly hideous pig. Speaking of pigs, laying on Hawks warm back beats the cold forest I'm in.

Forest? I finally look around snapping out of my thoughts. Forest, I'm in a forest? Since when? I don't remember, I can't remember! I look around, I definitely didn't run in a straight line so I can't get back. I left my swords on the ground from fighting big brother, the trees are way too thick for me to even jump up to see where I am. I'm lost lost. It's so dark and cold, I can instantly feel my body heat drop. No human can survive this, Ban would die instantly then come back but continuously repeating the cycle. Good thing I'm not human, I can survive this. I can survive with no swords to use Hell-blaze or even Full Counter, and I can't use my demon powers if I can't see or get paralyzed from the temperature. I'm helpless.

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